Virtual Tag—I Got Caught

As a kid I was never very good at playing tag. (I wasn’t called shorty for nothing.)

It’s been years since I played tag and it’s showing. I can’t run any faster than I could back then. I’ve been tagged by Linda Cassidy Lewis in a game of Virtual Tag. Now Linda claimed in the comment section of this blog post, Why Age Makes You a Better Writer that she’s ancient, but if that’s so she is still able to outrun me. (Those darn short legs, I tell you!) Linda, you’re one heck of a woman!

Now that I’m tagged I have eight questions to answer about myself and I’m to tag five more players. Since I just recently picked on some of my blogging friends I’m not going to tag anyone, but by all means if you want to participate I’ll take volunteers. If You’re not volunteering you can sit back and heave a sigh of relief and keep reading.

Are you ready? Here ya go..

1. If you could have any superpower, what would you have? Why?

Super power? You’ve got to be kidding! Heck, if I could be six inches taller I’d settle for that.

2. Who is your style icon?

For anyone who knows me in “real life” you’re getting a real laugh out of that one. Aren’t you?

3. What is your favorite quote?

There are many quotes I like but my favourite is:

“To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

4. What is the best compliment you’ve ever received?

When my book came out a few people told me it couldn’t have happened to a nicer person.

5. What playlist/cd is in your CD player/iPod right now?

This may come as a shock but I don’t own a CD player or an iPod. I do have the sound track to Forest Gump on my computer. Not to mention a play list of songs my darling son made for me to play while on the treadmill which includes such favourites as “Rock Lobster.”

6.Are you a night owl or a morning person?

I guess getting up at 5:30 means I’m a morning person.

7. Do you prefer dogs or cats?

We have a cat who thinks he’s a dog so I’m not sure which I prefer.

8. What is the meaning behind your blog name?

The meaning behind my blog name Laura Best, Author? If you don’t know by now or can’t guess you’re in a heap of trouble.

Whew! That wasn’t so bad.  I made it through to the end. Anyone who wants to jump in and volunteer to let me catch you in a game of virtual tag (remember I can’t run fast) let me know.

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  1. I got tagged too…my post is also up today!

    We both get up at the same time!



  2. You’re a good sport, Laura, short legs and all. 🙂

    I wish my cat thought she was a dog. She’d be so much easier to live with.


  3. I wish my dog thought he was a cat. Maybe he’d stay home? Congratulations, Laura. You really are one of the nicest bloggers I know.


  4. Wendy—I guess you’re a slower runner, too. Short legs? We’ve got to learn to run faster. Early mornings is another thing we seem to have in common.

    Linda–Yeah, I’m usually a good sport. I don’t mind laughing at myself. What’s the point if we can’t share a chuckle or two? Thanks for making me laugh.

    Joylene–Thanks Joylene, that’s sweet of you. I can see I’m the envy of a few with my cat/dog. He’s a pretty good old dog!


  5. I know a cat just like that, lol!


  6. “I do have the sound track to Forest Gump on my computer”

    Nice! That is some great music!

    I’ve already been tagged with this meme. It’s a good one!


  7. Good to know all that and the best one, Laura, is, “We have a cat who thinks he’s a dog”.. I mean, how did you think up such a thing???!! Hilarious! I’d lovve to know more about your cat! Maybe you can dedicate a post on him.
    Cheers, Punam


  8. Jennifer—-I think there are more cats like that out there than we know.. 🙂

    Pauline—I loved the movie and the sound track. Great tunes to work out by!

    Punam—I’m not sure GG (My daughter named him, I didn’t) will consent to having an entire most about him but when he’s in a good mood someday I’ll ask. He is the cat on my FB profile at the moment, though. Glad you got a giggle out of it.



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