Back To the Real World

The car is packed up. The house is now quiet. Gurgles and smiles, and baby noises are no more. The only sounds I hear are the hum of the computer, the clicking of the keyboard, and the buzzing of a solitary housefly intent on annoying me. (Must get the fly swatter and make away with the wretched thing!)

But it was a great visit, one that will bring a smile to my face for an entire month, until Mama and Daddy and Miss Charlotte return. This Christmas will be made extra special. Funny how much power one little person can possess.

Now it is back to work on Monday. Back to writing on my WIP. Back to figuring out what twists and turns my plot will take.

Until next time!

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  1. I know what you mean, Laura! I’m really looking forward to this Christmas too…it’ll be the first one where Elise will be able to open her own presents!



  2. Linda

     /  November 28, 2010

    I can feel my heart swell as I read your comment Laura..How blessed Miss charlotte is to be so loved the way she is .It makes me wonder if our life was as welcomed as that glorious little girl..Oh grandma love is so deep..grandpa too ,,miss charlotte has a sore baby finger because she has grandpa(s) wrapped around it .Im so happy you had a great weekend …she is “pretty cute”


  3. I feel homesick for my grandbabies now. Weepy even. Glad it was a wonderful time, Laura. Not surprising.


  4. Ah, glad you enjoyed your visit. Holidays are pretty ho-hum for us with our kids & grandkids living so far away. We work to make the best of it. Miss Charlotte is growin’ up fast! Sheesh!


    • Oh no, Holidays should never be ho-hum. I guess that makes me realize that, although Miss Charlotte is 4 hours, away it’s certainly very doable.


  5. We’ll see some of our grandchildren at Christmas but not all. It’s always a special time when we get together, but I wish it could be more often. Children grow up SO quickly.


    • I find it amazing that while the kids grow up so quickly, we remain as though stuck in time. Hehehe..I wish! For me, the getting together is what’s it’s all about. I know many people who put so much emphasis on gifts at Christmas, but for myself and my family I always wanted the emphasis to be on us and the “getting together.”


  6. Connecting with family on the Thanksgiving holiday, even if we cannot be together in the same place, is precious. Returning to the “real world” is, well it just is. I cling to my trust that God is good. If it were not for this truth, life would be too scary for me to enjoy. With this truth in focus, life is an adventure. Blessings to you…


  7. christicorbett

     /  November 29, 2010

    What a lovely post about family.

    I’m so happy for you that in only another month you get to have baby and family all over again.

    Christi Corbett


  8. hhmm, so funny to read this when I am in the midst of a very noisy house!! lol. My time of life, sometimes hard to imagine any other. Good writing, Laura!


  9. Tie the tree in place, Laura. 🙂 Accidents do happen.
    Christmas Day will be so much fun for all of you. How wonderful!



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