
Whenever I look at this picture I see a pair of out-stretched arms bent at the elbows. Wild apples trees seem to have so much personality, their limbs are often gnarled and twisted, their gray bark dotted with holes. Seems these days I look at things differently, seeing the little bits and pieces of personality along the way, instead of always looking at the bigger picture.

It makes me smile to think of a large dark object my son and I once saw in a tree lot that we thought resembled a sasquach. It was, of course, only a tree that had blown over and uprooted. Not that we thought we were actually looking at bigfoot, mind you, but it was kind of fun to make-believe. Once we got a closer look, and was able to see it more closely, it no longer resembled a sasquash even from a distance. Go figure!

I love the way we can take something and dream it into being something altogether different. We all did that as kids each time we looked into the clouds and watched them shift and change.

The difference between someone who writes ,and someone who doesn’t is a writer takes every day life, twists and gnarls it together, adds little bits and pieces of personality, and then records it all. As writers, we come from many different walks of life, some of us are highly educated while others are not. Yet beneath it we are all just people, living, loving, and laughing like the rest of the world, and recording life as we go.. I suspect the rest of the world adds all those bits and pieces of personality to everyday life as well, they just don’t choose to write any of it down.

Whether or not you record all the places your imagination takes you, here’s hoping you all have a great Mother’s Day weekend! Oh and Happy Birthday to my baby who celebrates his birthday on Mother’s Day this year. Best Mother’s Day present ever!

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  1. Told like a true writer! Have a wonderful Mother’s day Laura.


  2. We have this wonderful tree down by the lake. It has a huge arm jotting out that the eagles like to use to perch on. They sit with their backs to us looking out over the lake. I’ve been surrounded by trees my entire life. And thanks to you, Laura, I’m reminded how lucky I am. Happy Mother’s Day.


  3. The tree truly shows personality, Laura. I see in it an old mother still whispering words of love to her children, reaching out with her tired, old arms to wish them well.

    Thank you for your post calling attention to the little things that reveal personality in life all around us, whether we are writers or not. What a privilege it is for a writer to record these treasured bits, these scattered pieces of the puzzle of life. Blessings to you…


  4. Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Laura!



  5. pattisj

     /  May 7, 2011

    My granddaughter was cloud watching as we drove last week, and I was reminded that I hadn’t done that in a long time. Happy Mother’s Day!


  6. Thank you all for the comments. I appreciate you dropping in. I hope you all enjoy your Mother’s Day tomorrow. 🙂


  7. Happy Mother’s Day.


  8. suzicate

     /  May 9, 2011

    I love this post…so true! On my hikes I “see” all sorts of things that are not at all what others would see. It is a writer’s job to bring those things to life. Hope your MD was fab!


    • Thanks Suzicate, I guess it goes to prove we see what we want to, and there is no limit to our imaginations.


  9. I have always seen things in things .. if you know what I mean. That is important, I believe, for a potential children’s picture book author. 🙂



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