The Hard Truth

The world is filled with truths.

What’s a truth, you ask? A truth is often something quite simple, something that when we hear it we nod our heads in agreement. No one has to convince us of its validity. Truths resonate from somewhere deep inside us, a knowing perhaps that feels right the moment we hear it.

This week I came across Lauren B. Davis’s list of 10 hard truths for writing.
As I read each truth I was nodding my head. Yes, I’m the only one who can write the book, descipline is required, writers write and read, writing is a lonely busines etc…You really need to read her post to appreciate it. Who else, but another writer would understand these simple but “hard” truths.

Lauren came up with 10 hard truths, but I’m willing to bet there are more. I’d like to add, “You will be rejected over and over,” along with, “You will probably quit many times along the way,” to the list.

Share one of your truths about writing, I bet all the writers out there will agree. Not a writers you say? Not to worry, feel free to share any truth that you have discovered about life in general. I’m sure your truth will resonate with many of us as well.

Oh, and now that the weekend is here, I’ll be catching up on my blog reading. The hard truth about working is, it leaves little time for all those extras in the day. I’m happy to say, however, that I’ll be having a few weeks off so you can be sure I’ll be watching and reading YOU.

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  1. All the philosophies and religions espouse the Noble Truths against war. But we still so engage. I suppose these truth remain constant, but men do not.


  2. pattisj

     /  June 3, 2011

    The leader of our writers group always has some quotes for us. One that stuck with me is “The art of writing is the art of applying the seat of the pants to the seat of the chair.” -Vorse, Mary Heaton I have found this to be true for me.


  3. No matter how many times I proofread, there will always be a typo…somewhere.


    • Frigging typos. LOL! I hate it when they happen. Only I feel a bit better when I see them in someone else’s work. It reminds me that we all makes mistakes and none of us are perfect. Then I don’t feel so bad when I see them in mine. 🙂


  4. As for Lauren’s list, yes … 10 times. Thanks for the link.

    Here’s my writing truth: You’ll never write better than when you’re writing what you love to write.


  5. One truth that I discovered: you have to be honest when you’re writing. I first heard that 20+ years ago and wasn’t quite sure what he meant. Today I understand. Thanks for sharing Lauren’s list.


    • You’re welcome Joylene. I quite liked Lauren’s list. It’s amazing how we don’t “get” things until we are good and ready. Glad you caught the meaning and made this a truth for you.


  6. I’m learning as I go along. Thank you for sharing these hard truths of writing. Blessings to you, Laura…


    • Although we call them “hard” truths, I prefer simply truths. Accepting what is sometimes makes it a bit easier. Hope it was helpful, and Carol Anne, we are all learning as we go along. 🙂


  7. Right now, all I know is that having three boys home for summer break leaves little time for writing or blogging. 🙂


    • Oh that will make writing and blogging most difficult for sure. I hope you can find a balance. Summer break is quite a stretch. Good luck. 🙂



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