So You Want to be the Prime Minister of Canada?

We all have our own life to pursue, our own kind of dream to be weaving. And we all have some power to make wishes come true, as long as we keep believing.

– Louisa May Alcott

Okay, I’ll admit to being a dreamer. I’ve no doubt admitted it right here on this blog before. Now, some of you might think that’s a bit of a lame way to go through life (and it’s okay if you do think that, it really is. You’re entitled to your own opinions) but I’m willing to bet that at least some of you are one my side here.

I’m under the impression that some people think that all dreamers are delusional, and no doubt some of us are. I’ve known people who set unrealistic goals for themselves and then did absolutely nothing to work toward making their dreams reality. (You can’t be a published author if you don’t write that book. And then, then, you actually have to get that manuscript printed off and into a publisher’s or agent’s hands. Sounds like a no brainer to me.)

Dreaming alone won’t get you where you want to go. You’ve got to actually do something. You know, put one foot in front of the other, that sort of thing. Set down one sentence, one paragraph and keep building from there. It may take many months, or even years, to get where we want to be. We might not make any huge strides in the beginning, but those baby steps add up after awhile. BTW, learning to have patience fits in nicely about now.  Just saying.

Being a dreamer doesn’t mean I go through life with unrealistic expectations, nor does it mean that I believe I can conjure up some far-fetched goal to achieve and spend the rest of my days hoping that it will magically materialize. I’ve never tried to convince myself that I’m going to be the next Prime Minister of Canada or anything else so bizarre, cause I can tell you right now folks, I know it just ain’t happening.


Big deal. So, you don’t want to be Canada’s next Prime Minister does this prove you’re not delusional? you might ask. Maybe. Maybe not. I’m smiling now because I’m thinking that dreaming for the sake of dreaming is harmless and sometimes fun. I still don’t want to be Prime Minister though.

Aren’t dreams the very things that keep us going especially those times when we’re feeling kind of low? If I’d never dreamed if being a published author would I have continued to spend twenty years writing? Would I have continued to revise and edit my work (making it the best that I could) and send it out one more time if I didn’t hold fast to my dream? If I hadn’t worked toward my dream I’d still be me, but I’d be an unpublished me, and I’m pretty sure there would be days when I’d start to think that pretty much sucks.

You know what? My dream came true, but I worked darn hard to get here. I didn’t give in even those times when I thought I was being delusional, tricking myself into hoping for something that was simply out of my reach. But you know what else? Every day we wake up in the morning for a reason. A brand new day is waiting for us to enter. We can go though the motions of living, not really giving a darn so long as we come to the end of the day, or we can aspire to becoming something more than we were the day before. We can let our dreams, big or small, help us to put one foot in front of the other because, aren’t dreams the very things that keep us going?

I don’t care who you are, you’ve got to have a dream even if that dream is something small. Not all of us will want to be Prime Minister of Canada. (You can rest easy Stephen Harper!)

No dreams = no fun in life, no accomplishments

Some might think that all dreamers are delusional, but I guess maybe I’d rather be thought delusional than to have no dreams at all.

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  1. Would relish just a week as President USA. Even just a week. I would destroy the nukes. Don’t they see how dangerous but useless they are. Lesson of Chernobyl and recent Japan. Fire half a dozen and entire atmosphere contaminated.


    • Gah, President of the USA sounds like a daunting job. I’m in agreement about about how dangerous these weapons are. Makes me wonder why, after all this time, the human race has not evolved past such things. It’s scary.


  2. Let’s hear a big round of applause for dreamers…

    Yay Dreamers!

    I’d rather be in competition with Margaret Atwood for a literary award than be PM.


    • I’m clapping, Joylene. Yup, competing against Margaret Atwood would be a dream come true. I’m sure it would be much more fun than being Prime Minister anyway.


  3. I agree, Laura. I’d rather be considered delusional, too, and have a satchel full of dreams. My dreams have never included being Prime Minister of Canada: too boring, too rigid, too confining. Little dreams get us through the daily grind and big dreams keep us looking to the future. I’ve always been a dreamer, so it’s no surprise that is what I have beneath my name on my blog: writer ~ dreamer. A person without dreams is going nowhere.


    • Actually, by being considered delusional, we likely get more time to dream since others are scared off by us.. LOL! I ove having the freedom to dream. Glad a few others agree with me. 🙂


  4. As a card carrying member of the dreamer’s club, I believe dreams are essential to life. Of course action is also required to see the dream to realization. “A dream without action is just a wish” Just think of all the things that would have never been invented, stories never told and pictures never painted etc. if there were no dreamers. What an awfull world that would be. Like Diane, my tag line is ‘dreamer of dreams, teller of tales’ No dream is too little or too big. Dream on!


    • I knew you were one of us, Darlene. We certainly would be lost without all the dreamers in this world.

      I guess you’re back from your trip. I hope you had a great time. 🙂


  5. pattisj

     /  November 2, 2011

    Fun and encouraging post, Laura.


  6. Loved these words especially: *Every day we wake up in the morning for a reason. A brand new day is waiting for us to enter. We can go though the motions of living, not really giving a darn so long as we come to the end of the day, or we can aspire to becoming something more than we were the day before.” So true. Thanks for the reminder. And yes, I’m a dreamer, too.


  7. You know I am a dreamer, too, but getting myself set in motion to reach the fulfillment of those dreams is quite another thing. See how behind I am in even keeping up with blogs? Oh well, I haven’t given up yet. 🙂 Just being in communication with writers such as yourself is helping me to keep going.
    Thanks, Laura, for NOT being Prime Minister. When would you have time to write your wonderful stories then? 🙂


  8. I for one am glad that you haven’t given up, Lynn. We are only capable of doing do much. Right now your plate is very full so any time you are able to pop in and visit I feel quite honoured. I do believe that we need to surround themselves with like-mined people to help keep our dreams alive.



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