What’s New!

I’ll admit, my blog presence has been a bit scarce this past while.There have been several reasons. Christmas being one of them, plus the company of my daughter and granddaughter these past two weeks (Yay!) and not to mention the distraction with the guitar contest I blogged about last week.

Just want to thank those of you who took part in the contest and to let you know what the outcome was.  I hadn’t planned to blog about the contest in the beginning because I  knew quite a few of you who read this blog are also facebook friends and had already voted, but in the end I knew it would take every last vote we could get, and well, when it’s family involved I guess you do what you can. Right? Starting out with over 500 votes behind, we were able to get within 20 votes of the leader in the end and had nearly 1600 people supporting our efforts!!! Pretty darned impressive if  you ask me. It only goes to prove that there are a lot of people out there willing to do something nice for someone even if  that someone is  a complete stranger.

Because the numbers were so close and because my nephew’s story was one that resonated with many people, Jimmy Rankin decided to give away two signed guitars… I mean how super is that? The whole reason behind everyone working toward this was to help lift my nephew’s spirits as he recovered from a broken back.

Not being an online person, my nephew still doesn’t know about any of this and won’t until the guitar is finally delivered to him. Bet he’s going to be surprised…

As to how he’s doing, he’s “amazed” everyone at the rehabilitation centre with how quickly he’s come along in his recovery and I’m really not surprised. Strength and determination go along way when we’re recuperating. He’s now out of rehab and staying with his parents, able to walk although the paralysis is still there. We’re all hopeful that he’ll make a full recovery. To be truthful, you can’t tell me that his recovery wasn’t helped along by the prayers of so many. For those of you who included him in your prayers, I thank you and so does Rob.

Next week I’m hoping to be back to regular blogging…  Happy New Year to you all!

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  1. Laura, how awesome is that? Happy and healthy wishes to your nephew and please let us know his reaction when he gets the guitar!


    • Pretty darn awesome, I’d say!!! I can hardly wait for it to arrive. Just the other day he was showing us his guitar, mentioned how when he was in rehab, someone came in to play and gave him a new set of strings because two of his were broken.. 🙂


  2. Such a wonderful story.I tried to vote but don’t do facebook.


    • I appreciate that, Carl. It all turned out well and just the thought that so many helped and/ or were wiling to help out is very heartwarming.


  3. Laura, I am so happy for you and your nephew! I can’t wait to read your post about his reaction, I think ‘surprised’ will be an understatement. 😉 It would be so cool if you … or a reporter from the local newspaper .. could be there with camera in hand. I look forward to reading a full story here about that event. And I would say that Jimmy Rankin is a pretty cool and generous guy!

    Happy New Year, Laura.


    • I’d say Jimmy Ranking in a class act. Lynn. I’ve heard it said they are a great family. I believe it!!
      ]Happy new year to you, as well. Will be in touch once my company leaves on the weekend. 🙂


  4. This story reminds me that most people genuinely want to help a stranger, and have empathy for the plight of others. I’m so glad you shared and gave us the opportunity to get involved. The outcome is so satisfying. I wish Robin all the best in his recovery.


    • I agree, Allison. Most people do want to help and deep down most people are goodhearted. I was totally proud of my facebook friends who rallied to help out. None of this would have happened if so many wouldn’t have got involved.


  5. This is one of the best stories to come out of this Christmas. I too can’t wait to hear/see your nephew’s reaction. It is amazing what can be done through social media and supportive freinds and family. It sounds like your nephew has the tenacity to recover quickly. Happy New year to you and yours Laura.


    • It is a pretty good story. For me, however, visiting with my nephew and seeing him able to walk made me so happy. It’s only been a little over a month since the accident, so we’re still very hopeful that all of the paralysis will go away. Keeping our fingers crossed.


  6. Laura, I have been moved to tears. I was missing from everything for two weeks, but it’s short of a miracle that you were able to get such amazing results. People are often better than they think they are and this proves it. Rankin’s generousity will return to him two fold.

    I’m glad I am back and that my first visit here is such an uplifting story. All the best to you and your family and a speedy recovery to your nephew 🙂


    • The family was great, and many family friends, even strangers who sent out emails and shared the link on facebook, and posted on other forums as well. The last few days the votes literally poured in. It was amazing to see that kind of support and also to know that there are more than one way to achieve our goals. Winning isn’t the only way.


  7. What a great story. Congrats, and Happy New Year to you!


  8. so glad it all worked out! Now, next time we get together you have to share your secret (other than your brilliant blogging) for getting 12,000 visitors from all around the world to your blog in such a short time!


  9. pattisj

     /  January 5, 2012

    I can’t wait to hear of Rob’s reaction!


    • Me too, Patty. I’m pretty sure he’s going to be thrilled. Hope we don’t have to wait too long. And thanks for your prayers and support.. 🙂


  1. Update on the Rankin Guitar « Laura Best, author

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