Why I Ditched the Author

Some of you may have already noticed I ditched the “Author” off my blog. Now, that doesn’t mean I’ve stopped writing– goodness no. As I live and breathe I’d never be able to do that. When you’re a writer, writing is part of your life—a BIG part. Big to the point where we sometimes bore our non-writing friends to tears. (Sorry about that guys!)  Even when we can’t make time to write, or don’t feel inspired to write, we are writers and the truth is, if you’re not a writer yourself, you probably don’t find that stuff interesting to read about. I’m also not sure if non-writers understand how much time we writers spend in our heads, having conversations with our characters, (as we work through believable dialogue) thinking about our characters, or working through plot ideas. Yup, and just when you thought that stunned look I sometimes sport is natural, admit it!

What I found with attaching the “author” to my blog, I felt a certain obligation to blog about writing, and I don’t want to do that all the time. I’m no one to be giving writing advice because, contrary to what some of you think, I don’t know what I’m doing half the time. I write. I put down words. I read them back. I listen. If a sentence doesn’t sound right, I keep working at it until it does. I don’t consider myself an expert, nor do I want to.  So, while writing is a big part of my life, there are other things going on in the world, things I’m also interested in. This doesn’t mean I won’t have an occasional writing post thrown into the mix. Writing is a big part of who I am, remember? Who knows, I may write about writing more that I plan, but I’m not trying to turn this blog into a place for writers to come looking for writing advice. Of course I’ll still blog about any publication news, especially with the impending release of my next YA novel! Can’t forget that..

Anyway, that’s the big news here. I’m going to blog about anything that interests me at the moment. I hope you’ll stick around.

At the moment I found a carving in to be interesting. Here’s a sneak peek. I’ll be blogging about exactly where I found this carving and reveal who the artist is next time.  Isn’t it lovely?

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  1. Although I haven’t removed the word ‘author’ from my tagline, I have made the same shift in blogging direction. Except for the Friday Fictioneers, which is a draw to readers and writers, I try to talk more about the things I find interesting, which is what I used to do a long time ago but somehow got derailed with blogging more writerly topics over the past couple of years. Good luck 🙂


    • Thanks Madison. I’m not sure it will make much difference, but I know I won’t feel as though everything has to tie into writing. Some things naturally will.


  2. fantastic web sites avail of whole tree carving many astonishing.


  3. I was wondering about that skulpture. My first thought was Truro since they have many wonderful tree carvings. But I’ll wait paitently to learn more.

    I blog about everything, too. One way or another I tie it into writing…or at least try to. But I’m all over the place. I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. This winter I’d like to get a little more focusse but who knows.


    • I’m with you as to whether it’s good or bad, or if anyone even cares. I’m hoping I’ll like it better and that’s what counts most, I guess. 🙂


  4. I’ve never thought about the title after your name. it’s just there and never thought to seek writing advice on your blog, just something with writing.

    it’s okay that you post about things other than writing, I enjoy those post more, I think.

    hope you have a great week.


  5. pattisj

     /  September 18, 2012

    Interesting carving there, can’t wait to hear about it.


  6. Looking forward to reading more about the scupture–and any other topic that takes your interest. 🙂


  7. I like the change. 🙂


  8. Interesting observation, Laura. I have never used writer or author to describe myself on the blog, twitter or facebook. I am fOIS In The City … just a gal from NYC who also writes. You’re just a greal gal who also writes 🙂 Like the new look also !!


  9. Thanks Florence, and I love the sound of “fOIS In The City.” Quite catchy! 🙂



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