A Christmas State of Mind

Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas. ~~Calvin Coolidge

Our tree has finally been brought in and decorated so it feels a bit more Christmasy at out house.  You might even say I’m in a Christmas state of mind.  Coupled with the fact that we’re getting our first *real* snow of the season, it seems like a day to take it easy and relax and enjoy the season.  What gets done gets done, and what doesn’t well…

I’ve got a few more little things to pick up plus grocery shopping before the “big” day. We’d planned to go shopping today,  but with the snow we’ll stay were where are. Tomorrow will be a better day for travel.


The edits on my novel are on schedule to be finished before Christmas. Since they’re not due until January, I’ll give it another read through before then. It’s always best to have a bit of a break before reading it through a final time. But this is the place where I’ll have to resist the urge to keep fiddling with the sentences. It’s difficult to let that story go. There always seems to be something we can see that needs to be changed, whether real or imagined.

It turns out this wintery day will be a good day to tie up some loose ends while I’m in this Christmas state of mind.

How about you, are you in a Christmas state of mind? Are you all ready for the “big” day? What things put you in the Christmas spirit?

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  1. David

     /  December 19, 2012

    Sort of ready for Christmas. Pretty winter picture. Have a Merry Christmas!


  2. pattisj

     /  December 19, 2012

    Mind? What mind? 😉 Things are coming together, my goal is to mail Christmas cards and finish the sewing projects today. And get a decent night’s sleep, for a change.


  3. Judi

     /  December 19, 2012

    I’m almost in the Christmas frame of mind. Although I don’t have my tree up yet because I have to find a place to put it….It’s bad when your house is soooo small you have no place to put a tree. I guess I could hang it from the ceiling, but then I would just be hitting my head on it all the time…..LOL But on the brighter side I do have most of my baking done. Just Mom’s molasses cookies to make and that will happen on Friday and then the tree goes up that afternoon. (I hope) See you sometime over Christmas……


    • Judi, if you do ever find a secure way to hang a tree from the ceiling please do share. 🙂 I’ve always joked about that because of our small house plus cats. I’m still searching for a way to deter cats from “exploring” the tree and ornaments every year. (You’d think they’d get bored but no, every single year it’s the same thing LOL.)


    • I’m willing to bet you’ll be ready when the day comes, Judi. Christmas will come regardless. 🙂


  4. We just finished watching Muppet Family Christmas. That’s about as Christmas-y as I get before Tipsy Eve.


  5. I like your attitude, Laura. I hope your Christmas is everything you dreamed of. Happy New Year!


  6. Love the photo you included! And congrats on hitting your goal on edits.

    Once I sign off for winter vacation, which officially starts on December 22nd, I’ll be in more of a Christmas-y mood. This week is filled to the brim with taking care of clients and making sure everything’s covered until my return on January 7th. So it’s hard to immerse myself in the warm-fuzzies of the holiday season until I “unplug” from work.


    • Thanks, Leah! Since I’m off work for the next few months, the pace has been a lot less frantic. I’m glad since I have the edits to get done, Enjoy your holiday time with your daughter. Have a great Christmas!


  7. For me, getting into the Christmas frame of mind requires slowing down to better appreciate the meaning of the event we’re celebrating. Through the years I’ve pared down “preparations” a lot, and I quite like having the extra time. I’m looking forward to the arrival of some of our family this weekend and yes, I’m as ready as I’m going to be. I plan to relax and enjoy the grandchildren and visiting with their parents. I hope you enjoy a very happy Christmas, too.


    • ]. It does feel as though the meaning of Christmas is sometimes forgotten and a good way to remember is to slow down so we can better appreciate it. I was out in town today and it was crazy. Thank goodness I didn’t have much to do. My guess is that many people had the same idea as you and they wanted to get everything down before the weekend. Enjoy your Christmas,Carol!


  8. Christmas is actually quite important to me this year. I lost my Grandma about two weeks ago and I’ve decided the Christmas spirit is exactly what I need to get through this difficult time. I put up more lights than usual and wrapped presents with more flare. And lets not forget all the baking (using her recipes). All the joy that comes from doing these things has been a wonderful thing for my family. 🙂


    • Sorry to hear of your loss, C.B. It’s especially tough this time of the year. I think you’re probably right. The Christmas spirit is always a good way to lift us up. 🙂


  9. Lovely picture. Snow makes the world look pretty. Hides all the blemishes. lol

    The tree comes in today for Winter Solstice. It gets decorated tomorrow. Are we ready for Tuesday? It doesn’t matter. It comes and it goes. I find the important things get done and the rest, well, they couldn’t have been that important.

    Merry Christmas, Laura. And all the best to you and your family. I hope we have snow–the kids love it–and as I said, it makes the world around us look beautiful.


    • Snow does make the world look lovely. Too bad it’s gone today. I was hoping there’d be snow for when Miss Charlotte comes to visit. She’s staying for a week and a half so perhpas there’s still hope. Merry Christmas,Diane, to you and your family. 🙂


  10. We’re not doing much this year, not even a tree. The broken ankle has slowed me down. But I still feel Christmassy, especially when I hear Christmas music. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas Laura!!


    • I hope you heal quickly, Darlene. But I’m sure you’ll make the most of Christmas regardless. Perhaps you’ll get a little extra TLC because of it. Breakfast in bed on Christmas sounds relaxing.. Merry Christmas, Darlene!



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