Blogger, Where Art Thou?

I can’t help thinking that life around the blogosphere had been a little ho-hum lately. Truthfully, I’ve been adding to that ho-humness myself by remaining a little quiet over the past year. I thought it was just me, and the fact that I’m having problems keeping up with all the great blogs out here, but I’ve heard the same from a few other bloggers.

Where have all the bloggers gone? Kind of sounds like a song to me.

As I check out the blogs in my I see more and more have not been active for a very long time, or else are only blogging sporadically. I’m not criticizing, just wondering what the heck is going on. Are we all becoming bored with our blogs or is it simple too time consuming for what we get out of it. I can honestly say, there isn’t a mad rush to get on over to my blog as soon as I publish a post. Doesn’t much surprise me since I’m really not all that interesting. I’ve been saying that for years! Sorry, but I’m just stating facts here. Believe me if I knew how to be more interesting I would, but then that probably goes for many of us.

If you’re a blogger or simply follow blogs, I don’t have to tell most of you that blogging is a huge big commitment. It’s not simply a matter of putting a post up and waiting for people to come hurry on over to read your latest masterpiece and splatter comments all over the place. It involves getting to know other bloggers around the blogosphere, checking in on their blogs to see what they’re up to, interacting with them on some level and generally getting to know who they are. That’s the “social” part in social media. I have to say I’ve met some pretty nice people through blogging that I otherwise wouldn’t have. I like meeting people. I only wish there was more time for that. But my first love is writing fiction and that’s of far greater importance to me right now. I have a bit of time off work at the moment and I’m hopeful that I’ll be out there visiting more often than I have in the past, maybe getting a few more posts up at the same time. I can’t make any promises, however, I’ll just hope for the best and see how it goes. I’m sure you can all appreciate that I’ve been busy promoting my new book this past while, but I haven’t forgotten you.  So that’s my hope at the moment, and with a little luck I’ll be able to keep my end of things up. I’m working on another writing project that I’m excited about and I have high hopes that my first draft will be completed before Christmas. Mind you, I did say “high” hopes.

How about you, have you found people are generally blogging less than they were a few years back? How about you, are you devoting as much time to blogging and other social media?

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  1. I know what you mean about blogging. I’m sporadic at it and tend to like blogging challenges to get me writing regularly. I admire those who blog regularly as it takes discipline and work to keep on it. Not easy to do and the rewards are slim as often you feel you’re writing to yourself and it wouldn’t really matter if you wrote or not. Now there’s a bad attitude, eh? Bad Cat!


    • I think that’s part o it, Cathy. It does often feel as though we’re only indulging ourselves. Bad Catitude or not many times I’ve wondered who would really notice if I never posted again. Maybe that’s our writerly insecurity setting in. 😉


  2. SuziCate

     /  November 21, 2013

    I think as much as we all enjoy blogging we’ve realized that life all around us takes top priority. If I spend as too much time in the blogosphere I don’t have time for other projects or am missing time with family and friends. I’m still working on finding a balance.


    • Interesting, Susan, WordPress put you in my spam folder today. I think any of us do struggle to find that balance. I’m so wanting to get my next writing project done. I know that has to take priority, plus some family things going on at the moment.


  3. storyteller5

     /  November 21, 2013

    I don’t know if fewer people are blogging, but fewer people are reading blogs and commenting. If bloggers give up in frustration, I can’t say that I blame them. I was at that point myself not too long ago. It’s disheartening to pour so much time and thought into something when it seems no one is reading. Even the good blogs have to fight so hard to be noticed, while others are incredibly popular without seeming to put much effort in. It boggles the mind!


    • I know what you mean, Holli. It does seem a bit unfair.I have to think with all the blogs that are out there it’s really hard to stand out from the rest.People have to have a reason to read what we write. Then again, it takes a lot of time to read posts and make comments. Many of us appreciate the “like” button on WordPress because it allows us to let others know we’re reading even if we don’t have time to comment.


  4. christicorbett

     /  November 21, 2013

    I’ve noticed a drop off in daily visits, but I still blog regularly…Tuesdays is writing related and Fridays are writing quotes. Sometimes I have guest posts on Thursdays.

    I like keeping the schedule because it keeps me grounded in a sea of chaos.

    Christi Corbett


    • I like your schedule, Christi, and the Friday quotes are great! There’s something to be said for a certain amount of order. I’m all over the place with my blogging. Guess that says something about me. 😉


  5. I know what you mean, as evidenced from my very long blogging hiatus over most of the last year (grimace). It’s hard finding time to blog at this point in time, but I’m trying to post something once a week, even if it’s just a quote with a picture. I’ve noticed a drop in other blogs across the net, too, which is rather sad. In terms of comments and stats…well, I’m just a wee little blogger, so any comments just make my day!


    • Time is a big one, Libby. We’re all very busy, sometimes more busy than other times. I’m hoping I’ll have more time now that winter is approaching. Also hoping I don’t become discouraged by the lack of interest. Blogging seems to go in cycles like everything else.


  6. I do take periodic breaks in my blogging . . . the past year, especially, as my dad passed away in October 2013, and my mind/time was busy elsewhere. Taking breaks doesn’t freak me out anymore, as my blog–much as I enjoy sharing and connecting–is my personal way to monitor and reflect on my writing life. (I have a paper journal for other . . . messier . . . stuff, lol.)

    I comment less on blogs I read, too–but your post is very timely. Just a few days ago I resolved to start commenting more actively again. I know how much comments mean to me, and since I read some blogs very consistently, and it takes so little time to do so, why don’t I at least say, “Thanks for posting. I enjoyed it, related, was challenged, etc. . . .””? A good question! I will change my ways.

    And thanks for posting. Heh. 😉


    • Sorry about your dad’s passing. Having been though it, I know how tough it is.

      So glad this post was timely for you, Ev. I’ve missed you around the blogsphere. So glad I see you from time to time of FB.


  7. angela wilson

     /  November 21, 2013

    I still read your blog posts honey!


  8. I’m glad to know it’s not just my blog, Laura. But I confess, I don’t blog nearly as often as I used to. Of course, when I first started blogging I was also just starting to write my first novel, so my time wasn’t divided between writing, blogging, and that huge time suck of marketing.

    And I was so full of the excitement for writing I had a lot to blog about. When I lost that excitement, I found I couldn’t think of anything worth blogging about. I became a bore … and a morose one at that. It’s probably better that I kept my “mouth” shut.

    But now I’ve also vowed to get out there more and visit blogs like I used to. I don’t blame my friends for not visiting my blog because I don’t visit theirs either. I’m ready to have some fun again in fiction writing and in blogging.


    • Glad to hear you’re ready to have fun again, Linda! I kind of feel the same. My writing is going great right now and I’m very happy about it. While, I do have a newly published book, and promotion is a part of it, I don’t want to spend all my time promoting and not working on what’s important to me, the writing.


  9. Yes, Laura … there is truly a drop in readers and comments … I continue to blog once a week on Wed. I like my schedule, give each post a great deal of thought …but I do it because I love it, not because it’s the “social” thing to do. If you don’t love it … it show … and I think your promo stuff has been just right and I’d read your blog with or w/o any of it. Whatever you are doing, keep it up. I like it 🙂


    • You do put so much thought into your posts, Florence and it certainly shows. You’re so entertaining!

      And thanks for your kind words. 🙂


  10. pattisj

     /  November 25, 2013

    It’s been very busy around here this fall. I’m still posting M-F, but I’ve not had the time to visit other blogs as I would like.


  11. I see this too, Laura. Although there are times I do get a lot of visits, but not necessarily because I wrote a great blog. It’s just the luck of the draw.

    Like another commentor, I too am confused by simple blogs that contain little content but have thousands of followers. I have to wonder what I’m doing wrong and they’re doing right.

    But numbers aren’t everything. I blog because I enjoy it. When I stop having fun I’ll stop. I’d like to blog more, but like many others, time limits me.

    On the other hand, I often unfollow blogs that post once or more a day. Three times a week is about the right amount for me. So too much is not good either.


    • It takes time to find what works for us. I don’t expect to ever have to worry about having thousands of followers but it’s good to know that there are people out there who can easily connect with the masses. I agree that to much blogging can be challenging not only to the blogger but to followers. As thy say…too much of a good thing.



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