Welcoming 2015 With Some Writerly Intentions

I love the start of a brand new year. I’m sure I say that every year around about this time, but it’s SO true. A brand new year is so full of possibilities, like a blank page just waiting to be written on or a field of unblemished snow where not a single soul has tread. Guided only by my imagination at this time of the year I feel as though anything is possible. It’s like starting all over again and there’s something most exciting about beginnings, especially for a writer.

I don’t make resolutions but I do like making a list of intentions, things I intend to accomplish, hopefully in the upcoming year, but if not, somewhere farther off into the future. For me, that feels doable without too much pressure, yet allows me to have some goal in mind at the end of it all. And I don’t fill my list up with far-fetched notions, dreaming only big dreams. While big dreams are wonderful, life is also made of up a lot of little dreams that in hindsight can prove to be just as important as the big ones. Aimlessly wandering through life can have its drawbacks. Applying just the right amount of pressure never hurts. At least that’s my philosophy!

So what are some of the things on my list? Below are a few of the writerly ones.

1.I intend to finish the novel I’m presently working on and start sending out submissions for it. There’s nothing more exciting that having several submissions out in publishing land awaiting a rejection or an acceptance, and nothing sweeter that having an editor email and tell you they want to publish your work. I recently had a short story published in Transition, a magazine put out by the Saskatchewan Mental Health Association. While it’s presently in hard copy it will be available on line and I’ll share the link on my blog when it’s available.
2.I intend to pen more short stories in the future. I’ve had several ideas come to me while working on this last novel and I’ve jotted things down just to make sure I wouldn’t forget. I’ve said before I miss my short stories so I need to remedy that.
3.I intend to say yes to writerly opportunities as they arise. Just recently I was offered the opportunity to read for a group in January. I’m excited about this and hopefully more opportunities will arise!
4.I intend to continue supporting other local authors. This has always been important to me. Nothing makes me happier than to help out a fellow author. I obviously can’t buy every book from every local author but, as I mentioned in my post here, there are plenty of ways to support our author friends.
5.I intend to continue blogging. Notice that I’m not vowing to blog every day or even every week, just that I will continue in some shape or form. I know there are some who say we should choose a schedule and stick to it, but that’s not realistic for me. It makes more sense for me to spend more of my time writing fiction than blogging. I’ve met some great people through blogging and made connections I otherwise would not have made so of course I plan to keep blogging.

So there you have a few of my writerly intentions for 2015. Perhaps it will inspire you to come up with a list of intentions yourself. I’m excited for all that 2015 will bring both on the writing front and on a personal note. The sky’s the limit!

Anyone want to share one of their intentions, writing or otherwise?

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  1. A great list of intentions! I am sure you will meet most if not all of them. I agree we need some direction. Like you I love the start of a new year. I listed mine on my recent blog https://darlenefoster.wordpress.com/2015/01/03/lets-get-2015-started/
    All the best for 2015! Happy writing.


    • Thanks, Darlene. I want to check out your post. I’m having a little trouble right now with my slow connection but will try later. Happy New Year! 🙂


  2. angela wilson

     /  January 3, 2015

    Yes. The start of a new year brings hope.


  3. I’m like you in that I don’t make resolutions but I usually do have some intentions. I haven’t set any down on the page yet, but they’ll come eventually. We used to make a big deal of the New Year, partying with friends, etc., but those efforts have petered out as the years passed. Now we spend New Year’s Eve with family and *sometimes* manage to stay up until midnight. LOL. Reality says January 1st is just the day after December 31st, but there’s something reassuring about the cyclic nature of a year. I always like Mondays, and just like the start of a new work week, the start of a new year also offers another fresh start. 🙂


    • I guess New Years has never been a big deal in the party sense for me, but more of a big deal in a private way, if that makes sense. I agree with you, fresh starts are wonderful!

      I have to say I love the cover of Shari’s book. It’s SO beautiful. I know she must be thrilled and I’m sure you’re thrilled for her. 🙂


  4. I don’t usually make resolutions, but I like the idea of intentions.


  5. I like your idea of intentions, Laura. Nothing brand new is on the 2015 plate at the moment, but I do want to finish several projects that I started last year. The one goal that I have is to finally find a good system for using the time that I have in a way that’s most productive. I am a Class A procrastinator, so I intend to learn some discipline this year. For the past couple of weeks (except for weekends) I’ve made one step toward this by not going online until after 9 AM. As an early bird, I can get a lot done before 9 o’clock. So far, so good! Now, I just need to delete FreeCell and Spider Solitaire during the same time. 🙂


    • You’ve always seemed so much more organized than me, Heather. Online activity is a real time stealer. yet so darn tempting. Last summer I took a month long break from Facebook and was surprised at how easy it was to not log in once I got over that initial “withdrawal” lol!

      I wish you luck in attaining your goals this year. Happy New Year!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy New Year, Laura. May this year be kind to you and may you accomplish the projects on your list. Good health, happiness and prosperity, as well.

    I stopped making resolutions long ago when it became obvious I failed at them. Now, I work to improve on last year’s progress, just that little bit, and am satisfied when I rise to the next level (or not quite).


  7. suzicate

     /  January 4, 2015

    I like intentions better than resolutions, too. Happy 2015!


  8. pattisj

     /  January 4, 2015

    Happy New Year, Laura.


  9. I intend to find the good in everything I see, hear, and touch. I especially intend to push aside the negative and embrace the positive. Always. Every day. Every moment. Happy New Year, Laura.


  10. I hope you fulfill all your intentions this year, Laura. : -) Sounds like you’re going to have a very full and exciting year.



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