Waiting on Inspiration

I’ve been waiting on some inspiration for the past couple of weeks, hoping for some idea for a blog post. Then it hit me—like inspiration does. I’ll write a post about inspiration because, at the moment, I feel inspired to do so. Inspiration often hits us like the shot from a gun. Bang! She kind of blind-sides us at the strangest, most inconvenient times. We’re waiting in traffic, sitting in the dentist’s chair, fixing dinner for a hungry crowd. She doesn’t give warnings. Oh no, that would be too easy for inspiration. She’s cagey, a bit of a trickster, but no matter what her terms are we welcome with her open arms. IMAG0574AShe comes right out of the blue when we least expect her. Dropping what we’re in the midst of, we hurry toward our computer, or if our computer isn’t handy we whip out a notebook, and scribble down that brilliant thought, paragraph, sentence, or word. Satisfaction forms a smile on our face as a comforting feeling wraps a warm arm around our heart. Finally, the waiting is over. We’ve found the very inspiration we’ve been longing for. Most times when we weren’t even looking. One thing is for certain we can’t rush inspiration—nope, not at all. Like an apparition stepping through the mist she comes to us in her own good time. She can be illusive, sometimes shy, other times she appears in her party dress, classy and down right sassy, ready to entertain us with her flamboyant moves. She can dance for hours if we’re willing to watch. No sense in letting our frustration build as we wait and wonder when she’ll appear. There’s no point in sending her a gold embossed invitation or attempt to serenade her in the evening hours beneath moonlight and stars. We can’t coax her out of hiding like a kitten that’s crawl under a doorstep the moment a little hand reaches out for it. She’s a free spirit, who comes and go as she pleases. What’s most amazing is the way she can appears to us in so many different forms. No two people will ever see inspiration in the same way. Just as we are one of a kind, her relationship to us is unique, therefore everything we create, even though it may come from that same place of inspiration, is totally different. How cool is that? IMAG0581AIt has taken me quite some time to realize that no one will write a story the way I do, about the things I do, in the way I do it. Some people will like it, while others won’t. It’s that simple. I can’t/ won’t please everyone, but that won’t stop inspiration from seeking me out. She’ll come to me in spirit, in truth. She’ll touch me with moments of insight and send me in a direction that has never before held the weight of footsteps on its path. Do you often find yourself waiting on inspiration or is she a constant companion?

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  1. Over the last few years I’ve learned inspiration likes to be chased. It doesn’t just show up and hope you’ll see it’s there. Inspiration hides and makes you work for it. In some ways I admire that attitude, but at the same time sometimes I think inspiration is just teasing me! 😉


  2. Kathy

     /  August 9, 2015

    No, I’m a inspiration waiter. (Strange sentence) If it’s not there I just wait and think. Usually I’m always observing life and how weird it can be, usually funny weird or spiritually weird. That’s what inspires me. My blog is a mixture. Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve found in the past that inspiration will eventually find me if I relax and not try too hard. I think I know what you mean about “weird.” I like it when these “weird things show up, especially when we’re not expecting it,


  3. Accepting the fact that not everyone will like our books is something all authors must realise. The opposite is also true: every book has someone who loves it. Regardless of the like and dislike, we must write anyway to satisfy our need to write.

    Inspiration often walks beside me every day. Maybe I’m flighty, or open to every possibility or a magnet for ideas. I don’t know. I can make a story from the littlest of observations, such as when the crow flew over yesterday morning and I thought about where she was going and what she would take with her if she moved. She would take nothing, of course. Crows are lucky because they are unburdened by possessions. Humans–it appears–are the only animals who gather possessions. A strange lot we are. This thought got me writing a short essay on the top while at the market selling soap.

    Often times the simple task of writing is inspiring, so I don’t wait for inspiration. I just go out there and write.

    Liked by 2 people

    • “A magnet for ideas” I like that! It sounds like inspiration is your constant companion.

      I’m interested in your soap-making, Diane. I’ve had this desire to make soap for a very long time yet haven’t a clue how to start. You’re my hero!


  4. Inspiration will come if we keep the door open. I am always amazed at when she visits me, never when I expect her. A great post Laura!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. If I open my spirit, inspiration is with me every second. If I close myself off, gone is the inspiration. That’s why I walk a lot, and dance. Even yoga opens up my inspiration vein. And, as you say, the inspiration is mine to share – those who appreciate it will enjoy, those who have a different view will stay away. And that’s okay.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I really enjoyed this post. I’m a great believer in meeting inspiration half way. If I’m not working at my writing, then she’s a lot less likely to drop by. I go out to meet her, too, with pen and journal and the commitment to spending some time in a place where we’ve met before: coffee shop, the beach, the library, in front of my fireplace in the winter. Luckily, she often turns up! I love this 19 minute TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) that really speaks to writers and their relationship to their muses/inspiration–or lack of same! I’ve listened to it more than once. http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius?language=en


  7. Sometimes you just have to sit back and wait. Inspiration will come.


  8. Inspiration ….I think it’s everywhere! We only need to have eyes to see it, ears to hear it — in other words… be open and receptive to what is around us. Sometimes it is too obvious to ignore, other times it is mysterious and almost secretive. Sometimes I know I have closed myself off to being inspired because I have instead allowed my tiredness, or frustrations, or busyness, or any number of other things, to push inspiration aside and fill that space.

    I have to pay attention! Thanks for the reminder, Laura. Blessings and hugs.


    • We all need to pay attention, Lynn. It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness that makes up our lives. I think slowing down is the key, although easier said than done, I’m afraid!

      Liked by 1 person

  9. My ole computer is having difficulties these days. Or at least that’s what I think the problem is. It can’t be me, right!? Haha, sorry I’m late. WordPress doesn’t always let me leave a comment.



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