Waiting Out The Storm

Adopt the pace of nature:  her secret is patience.  ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

For days we’ve been warned about the blizzard that is heading our way for the weekend. An old-fashioned Nor’easter as we like to call them here in Nova Scotia. It’s a good day for staying close to home, reading a book, whipping up that next novel, and just trying to keep warm. Here’s hoping we don’t lose our power today.  My computer battery is charged and ready to go if it does. I wasn’t about to take any chances.

Will we get all the forcasted snow? So far it doesn’t appear to be a great lot of snow down, but I guess time will tell. We’re definitely getting the wind this morning, but from my window I don’t see any huge drifts, in fact, the doorstep was clear this morning. Of course that was due to the wind blowing it away. Maybe if we’re lucky it’ll blow all the snow from the driveway too!  For now, everything has been cancelled for the weekend, but that’s not a bad thing. Sometimes we need to slow down and take life at a more leisurely pace. As Emerson reminds us  nature has her own pace and we need to be patient.  Mother Nature has spoken.

So, I’ll stay warm and cozy in my house and work on my novel, perhaps give the treadmill a go. It’s a good day for staying in.

What is the weekend weather like where you are?

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  1. Over here in Hants County we have wind and blowing snow. Looks to me like Cape Breton will get the worst of this and the rest of us will be mostly spared. Chest high snow for the English Setter to run through this morning. Fingers crossed we don’t lose power. Stay warm, stay inside!


    • I was expecting to see more snow down this morning when I got up, but I’m not disappointed. I’m just hoping we hold onto our power and I’ll spend the day writing. You stay warm as well, Joss! 🙂


  2. suzicate

     /  February 9, 2013

    Stay safe and warm. Snuggling up on days like that is the thing to do! Cold here, but the rain stopped and no snow in the forecast.


  3. Snow and wind, wind and snow. They’re predicting another 25 cm or more today and into the night here in East Hants. I had to break through a few drifts that were three feet high, but some places are down to the gravel (er ice cover the gravel). There was about two feet on the walkway and against the side door–the bad side of the house. The other doorways were blown clean. There was about three feet in front of the gate and barn door that had to be cleared. It was a good morning to work on the muscles.

    Now I’m in having a ginger/lemon/honey tea. Like everyone, I hope the power doesn’t go out. We don’t have a woodstove (some day), but we do have the generator on standby, and my backup power pack for the computer. We’re set to spend the weekend home. It’s a good day to make chocolate cake.

    I love the quote. Stay warm…the wind is very bitter.


    • We actually saw the sun for a brief time this afternoon, Diane! It’s difficult to know how much snow we have as it’s being blown around. This has been a strange storm. It hasn’t shaped up to be what I thought it might, but that’s not a complaint. I really don’t mind. I think actually we didn’t get as much here as some places in the province. Cindy is calling for 10 more centimetres tonight.


  4. We are the day after the storm here. Sunny,white & beautiful 🙂
    Yesterday was quite a show of gusting winds, but no power loss. Hope the same for you once it lands.


    • So far the power has stayed on, Jennifer, and it feels as though the wind is letting up.More snow tonight, but it hasn’t been all that bad. Hope you send the sun our way. 🙂


  5. pattisj

     /  February 9, 2013

    It’s nice to have a day where one HAS to stay inside. We got the rain that turned to snow farther north. Now we have wind, and that should diminish by Sunday. Hoping your power stays on.


    • I’m happy with what I accomplished today, Patti. Tomorrow is promising to be better. Here’s hoping the power stays on throughthe night. 🙂


  6. Keep warm and carry on as they say. Being forced to stay inside is always good once and awhile. Hugs from the wet (west) coast! XO


    • Thanks, Darlene. Today we’re having some sun, some flurries and wind. As I look out the window I see some drifts of snow. But that’s part of winter. Now for some full sun on Monday. We’re supposed to get rain later on in the week. It’s hard to say how long the snow will last. Yur wet weather will bring spring flowers I’m sure. 🙂


  7. Ah, my weekend was sunny, warm and bright. Sorry for my family in the NE but I honestly don’t miss blizzards. Sometimes I miss that slow snow in the middle of the night … watching it in the reflection of the street lights as it gently falls and leaves a blanket of silence over a harried city.

    I would however, do as you planned and hunker down to something indoors, warm and safe 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sure you enjoyed your sunny weekend. It sounds marvelous. Luckily the blizzard didn’t hit us as hard as some, and hopefully it will be the last one this season.


  8. We have clouds this weekend, which is really quite a treat. 65 degrees with a chance of rain. 🙂


  9. cluculzwriter

     /  February 11, 2013

    The nice part is being warned ahead of time. Hope you fared well, Laura. Thinking of you and sending warm thoughts!


  10. cluculzwriter

     /  February 11, 2013

    I received an error message, so this will probably turn out to be a duplicate. Sending warm thoughts.


  11. We had a windy weekend, but no snow. The power went out for a couple of hours, but we have a backup generator so weren’t affected much. Couldn’t do laundry or cook as those appliances aren’t hooked up to the generator–but that was fine with me!

    Hope you had some snow to enjoy but not enough to cause problems.


    • We managed to hang onto our power so I felt really fortunate, and the snow didn’t cause any major problemes where we were and, while we had some drifting snow, it wasn’t nearly so bad as I can remember from years ago.. I usually find the time so boring if it does go off..


  12. David

     /  February 13, 2013

    No great snowstorm here, but haven’t had one for a few years. You can say we’re on “borrowed time” in that regard. In the cold department, we’ve had our share.


    • We’ve had quite a bit of cold weather here especially in January. My daughter reminded me the other day that we had a stretch last March where the temp. went up to 22 C. This month we’ve actually had some temperatures above freezing. It’s been up and down all winter. Glad you didn’t get a snow storm. 🙂



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