Canada Post—You Rock!

Seems as if we’re not complaining about the weather, we’re complaining about the mail service. Where do those missing letters go to that end up being delivered many years later? I mean, how do they suddenly get back into the mail service after all that time? Everyone seems to have their own postal “horror story.” Either that or we dislike the ever-rising cost of postage, especially writers. Those manuscripts can cost a fortune to mail out! Online submissions have helped cut down costs to some degree but not every manuscript can be emailed, especially not the big bulky ones.

But this week I was so totally impressed by Canada Post, I just had to share it with someone. Last Friday afternoon, I made a stop at the post office to send off two parcels, one to Kentville (30 miles away), the other to Ontario. I love the little tracking number we now get when we mail parcels. No worrying or wondering if your parcel arrives at its destination.

What a nifty idea! Wow! Did I just say nifty?

The postal worker told me that the mail wouldn’t go out until Monday morning which I pretty much knew. Did I want to pay extra to ensure it would arrive within three business days, she asked? Nope, not THAT important. I knew they’d get there eventually.

So, this afternoon, I decided to check online to see how far the parcels had gone. I figured the one heading to Kentville had likely been delivered, but one never knows.

I was pleasantly surprised to see that my local parcel arrived a few hours ( that’s right— hours)after it had been sent and the Ontario parcel made it there on Tuesday morning…

Who needs three day service?

For a fleeting moment I wanted to cry out, but the parcel I sent my niece, who lives in Halifax, took a week and two days to be delivered how did Canada Post manage Ontario in a day and a half?

I’ll admit, I was left wondering. I decided, however, that somethings really don’t require an answer. Somethings are simply meant to be accepted.

I guess the whole point I’m trying to make is this, so often we’re quick to jump on something that doesn’t meet our standards in some way. We complain far and wide to anyone within ear shot. But how often do we give credit for all those times when things go along smoothly? Might I venture to say not nearly as many times as when something goes awry?

So, thank you Canada Post for a job well done! I hope you keep up the good work. In return for your terrific service, now and in the future, I promise not to complain the next time the price of a stamp goes up!

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  1. I’ve had times when a letter or parcel has taken ten days to go a few miles and other times when there’s been overnight delivery to the opposite end of the province. I always appreciate the prompt service but can’t help wondering why there is no consistency. As I drop a letter in the box I wonder “ten days or two?” and never know.

    But you’re so right about complaining often and offering praise seldom. When we pay for a service we expect it to be good and only speak up when it isn’t. I’ll remember that and follow your example next time. 🙂


    • You’re absolutely right about there being no consistency with the service. This time, however, I thought they really outdid themselves. We all have our Canada Post “stories,” myself included. So it’s really nice when they do something just right and I thought they deserved some recognition for it. Give credit where credit id due, sort of thing.

      That tracking system they have on their parcels now is really something. No need to wonder if those items we send are reaching their destination. Sweet!


  2. I used to work for many years as a letter carrier, and I heard all sorts of complaints, some having nothing to do with the postal system. I hated that job. It was so hostile in so many ways. I always felt vulnerable out there. Like I was a terrorist and had a target on my back. Biggest problem came in the form of dogs. They really do hate the mail person. I carried mail for 16 miles a day on my back in non-stop bickering and barking. It was a jungle every day. A game of survival that wears you down.

    It would have been nice to hear one nice remark once and a while.


    • I can’t imagine walking 16 miles a day and carrying mail no less. Wow! You really earned my respect. I’m sure you did feel vulnerable. Myself, I’m not so happy with a barking dog in my face.

      We’re so far from civilization that our mail is delivered by car. We refer to them as “mail drivers.” For years my husband parents drove the mail and I remember her saying that people would sometimes leave cookies and treats in their mailbox for them at Christmas time.

      Sheesh! Didn’t you even get an occasional cookie, Tricia?


  3. We had a cranky cuss of a mailman (in Pennsylvania). Won’t list the many ways he annoyed me (I’ll share one) but … I did get some revenge.

    He would barely come to a stop when making his delivery & always slammed the mailbox door. It either closed or didn’t. Half the time the mail would be only partway inside the box sometimes getting soaked or maybe blowin’ away in the wind. We had a few toe to toe discussions about it.

    It was a Saturday (background music please) & I was home & decided to mess with the ‘Evil Mailman’. I grabbed a screw gun & some panhead screws & screwed the door shut from the sides – then waited on the porch & watched. Sho’ ’nuff – dude doesn’t quite stop, grabs the handle to give it a hinge-twistin’ yank & the door doesn’t budge. Mr mailman had to let go of the wheel to grab the doorway of the truck to keep from fallin’ into the street. He tugged on the door again – saw the screws, spotted me on the porch (laughing at this hopeless chucklehead) threw the mail on the ground & drove off. I didn’t get mail for 3 or 4 days but can’t recall getting any wet mail after that either.


    • Once again, you’ve managed to entertain me, Dave! I love that story!

      I’m assuming you didn’t leave Mr. Cranky any treats in the mailbox at Christmas time!!


  4. I think most people do tend to put an emphasis on what goes wrong versus what goes right. It probably has to do with that whole squeaky wheel theory. Everything going smoothly doesn’t really draw our attention away from our day-to-day goings on. But when something does not go our way, boy we notice.

    Therefore, I do my best to give credit where credit is due. For example: My gas company charged me a service fee of $10.36 because my payment arrived on June 2nd instead of June 1st. I let the fee go unpaid for a couple of months, thinking that my timely $350-$650 payments would be appreciated more than their measly $10 charge. Nope. The charge stuck and I finally paid it in August so it didn’t affect my credit record. BUT, on the check’s memo, I wrote, “for ridiculous service charge.”

    Well, lo and behold, a week later, I received an envelope with a handwritten note, which read, “We agree,” and my $10.36 check was enclosed with it. How cool was that?

    I immediately called them up and thanked them for their excellent customer service. Apparently, they did value my business more than the revenue of that little service charge.



    • How cool was that? I’d say pretty darn cool.

      I’m inclined to think that sometimes we need to voice our concerns over things instead of complaining about what we believe to be an injustice. So often we believe that these big companies have no conscience, when in fact they do. Your story is a perfect example. And it is nice to be a valued customer…


  5. Laura, you would not remember when it cost two cents to mail a letter in Canada, but I do. I think I would not object as much to price increases (which happened this month) if the mail arrived as it is supposed to. The mail service and courtesy I personally receive at our local post office and by our rural mail driver are top notch, though, and I understand it is not their fault when things don’t go as planned. With email cutting in on Canada Post’s volume, you’d hardly know it at Christmastime by how busy they are, but when mail arrives at its destination sooner than expected, that is always so great – especially when you pay extra to get it there!

    I agree it is always such a blessing to be treated fairly by any business. People like to feel they are special. 🙂 And the nicer you are to people … it usually comes back to you.


    • Lynn, you make me feel really young when you say that but actually, you’re right. I don’t remember a two cent stamp. However, I’ve seen a two cent stamp recently. It was on a letter that was written eighty years ago. (That may be a post someday!) .Obviously if you remember a two cent stamp it took Canada post a while to raise their rates!!! None of this every year thing we get nowadays. (But I promised not to complain so I won’t.)

      I agree with you , Lynn. If you are nice to people most times it does come back to you. If someone isn’t so nice, they’re obviously having a lousy day. Most people I meet are very nice. That’s why I like meeting new people. Makes sense, I guess.


  6. Wow! Am I glad you added in about it taking Canada Post a long time to raise their rates from 2 cents! (since we both know I am certainly not 80 years old! – even though I have had times of feeling much older than I am.) 🙂
    I can tell you that the increase of postage rates has been the main factor in limiting my newsletter subscribers to those only in Canada and the USA.
    In my way of thinking, if they are going to keep increasing rates then I expect service to keep up with that.


  7. Yes, Laura, I have considered it but most of my subscribers do not use a computer and they seem to prefer having the paper copy to read. I have even thought of doing it both ways and they can choose which way they want, but that means I would have to do it twice and I just can’t tackle that. Anyway, I like giving Canada Post something to do. haha



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