Author Appreciation : Spread Some Love

Have you hugged an author lately?

Seems to me there’s a lot of love and appreciation directed at authors. Lots of reviews and interviews going on these days over the Internet. Love is bulging from every corner of cyberspace— the blogging community, Facebook and twitter. Feels pretty darn good, not only to receive the love, but also to help spread some of it, too.

So you don’t have a blog or a twitter account?

Not all of us do or ever will. Does this mean you have to sit in the sidelines and let everyone else spread the love? I don’t think so.

If you’re not on twitter or Facebook, if you’re too shy to drop a comment on an author’s site for the whole world to read, there’s still a way to help spread your love and appreciation.

When was the last time you googled an author whose book you’ve just read? Did you check to see if they have a site? Most of us do.

If you’ve come to an author’s site you’ve no doubt noticed that most of us provide an email or contact me tab. If you were aware of this did you take a few moments to fire off an email to say you enjoyed their book?

I recently received an email from another author who’d just read my book. Pretty cool since I’d googled her a few years back and sent her an email right after reading her book. And you know what? She remembered that email! Authors have excellent memories when it comes to those sorts of things.

Is your email important?

Of course it is. We all want to feel appreciated no matter who we are. The thing about writers is this, many people will read our book, they’ll enjoy it, they’ll become totally immersed in the stories we create, but we never hear from them. They are our silent partners. They travel this journey with our characters, they watch them face adversity, silently cheering for them, or cursing their very existence.

So, I challenge all you readers out there. The next time you read a really good book take a moment to google the author, find their site, look for a contact tab or email address, write a note of appreciation (it doesn’t need to be long) and hit send. It may not seem like a big thing to you and you might think that your name is quickly forgotten, but believe me it isn’t. You’re little note will find a soft spot in our hearts. On those days when we’re feeling very unappreciated, when we decide we’ve spent too many hours working on a WIP that, in the end, turned out to be nothing more than monkey crap in disguise, we can search through our email folder, find your saved email and feel the love all over again.

What do you say, are you up to the challenge? You are? Great, let the googling begin!!

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  1. Hey, Laura – nice post. A reader left a message on my blog the other day that made me teary, in a good way – feedback makes these long days of searching for the words so worthwhile!


    • Thanks, Jan. It is those little messages that keeps us going. So glad to have a way for people to find me and leave comments. I’m sure you agree. 🙂


  2. I can certainly relate to this when it comes to my blog. I know nearly a hundred people read it everyday, but I’m lucky to get three comments on each post. Comments are precious, and I appreciate each and every one of them. And when someone says that something I wrote inspired them – wow! It just doesn’t get any better than that.

    Great post!


  3. syr ruus

     /  January 20, 2011

    Sometimes a picture is worth a hundred words. Not really the best thing for a writer to say, but true nonetheless. Thanks, Laura.


  4. Feedback from others is always important–I cherish the comments on my blog, emails, etc etc. So I add my voice to yours in encouraging people to let authors know that you appreciate them.


    It’s also important that we take a minute to reply to such emails, tweets, etc etc. Because I can tell you nothing makes ME more annoyed than to take an hour or so to write an answer to someone’s gardening questions, for example, and then never hear so much as a ‘got it, thanks’ in return. So it goes both ways.


    • So true, Jodi. It is important for us to reply to the comments and feedback we receive. Everyone likes to know that their efforts were appreciated. Otherwise it feels as though we are having a one sided conversation. You make an excellent point.


  5. Great post! I received a FB message today requesting one of my books. I was flattered, but I’m unpublished. 🙂 She read an excerpt from my blog and couldn’t find the book on line. She was disappointed when I told her it wasn’t for sale. She asked if I’d consider self-publishing. LOL I can only imagine how it must feel if I were published. 🙂


    • 🙂 How wonderful for you, Ciara to be receiving this praise. It just goes to prove we don’t have to be publshed to have people clamouring to read our work. That speaks volumes about your writing abilities. Soak uo the love. 🙂 Your day is soon coming!


  6. I laughed out loud reading this post, Laura.

    Why the laugh? Because I was thinking along the exact same lines as you this week–how lovely (and, at times, sanity/hope-saving) affirmation is–and how important it is to let authors whose work has moved us, challenged us, inspired us, wildly entertained or terrified us 😉 know it.

    Great post and great reminder (and now I need a different blog topic! LOL).


    • Sorry, Ev! We’re obviously on the same wave length on this one.(Great minds, do you think? LOL!) You’re one of those people who have spread a lot of author love around and it’s been very appreciated. I hope you’ve been receiving your share of the love too.


  7. Torry

     /  January 20, 2011

    Great idea Laura….now I will look up the authors of the 2 childrens books I just bought!


  8. Laura, that’s a great idea. I have some authors whose books I’ve read for years and I’ve never had the opportunity to pat them on the back with a thank you. I’m game. 🙂 Blessings…


    • Glad to have sparked this idea for you, Carol Ann. I often email authors and have done so for years. I always figured if I had a book published I’d like for people to tell me if they enjoyed my book. Sort of doing unto others.


  9. I whole-heartedly agree, Laura. It feels good to receive comments, and it equally feels good to give them. Sometimes, you’re just saying thanks or leaving comment to voice your opinion, but it all matters.

    StoryTeller mentioned that people on blogs don’t often leave comments. I thought you were supposed to — it was a rule.

    Okay, I don’t leave comments all the time, but I try to.

    I also find my favourite artists on Facebook or their web page and tell them I enjoyed one of their songs. For me, it’s like bridging the gap between artists and — in this case — listener.

    Thanks. Diane


    • Yes Diane, it does all matter. Many times people mistakenly believe that their few words can’t make a difference but we can all make a difference in our own way.


  10. Great picture! (thanx)

    I honestly make an effort to praise an author’s work whenever possible (but I won’t lie) The BEST (not related to blog hostess) is getting an email from a kid, & even bestest (ha!) is when they say they can’t wait for the next one. (I think I posted about this once – what helps makes writing worthwhile – other than the exotic car collection, the mansions & the Yachts.) Sorry, you know how it goes with fiction writers…… good post (& pic)


    • I had fun putting the picture together. 🙂

      I do agree, it is totally cool to hear from kids. Of all the cherished emails and notes I’ve received the ones that came from kids are the BEST. I hear you on the exotic car collection, the mansions and the Yachts… Don’t forget the gold and furs. LOL! Too funny!


  11. Great idea. Most book readers probably assume the thanks resides in simply buying the book. I have a box of notes and letters that I will never throw away, but they have all come from close friends or family. Receiving one from a “stranger” would really be something special.


    • Tracy, it really is nice to receive one from a “stranger” to think that they actually took the time without even knowing us. Awesome!


  12. Great suggestions, Laura. Authors do put themselves out there — and can be needy of response. It’s only natural. You sell a lot of books, maybe, but get only a few comments in return. Or once you’ve had the comment, it’s gone, and you want another. Like potato chips or cookies. We are not unapproachable people. We are just people. And it helps to know if what we did to entertain you worked. Especially if it did.


    • Thank Hilary! Very much like potato chips or cookies! That analogy was very clever and made me smile in recognition!

      I remember the first time I met another author at her signing. I was very nervous.Since then I’ve met many authors without that same feeling. (Okay, I’ll admit it was pretty exciting when Budge Wilson set beside me at the book bash last April, but come on,I mean Budge Wilson? Woohoo!) With the publication of my own book, I’ve very much come to realize that , as you say, we are just people. This just happens to be what we do, and yes, it is nice to have others let us know that we’re doing something right. 🙂 I’ll have another potato chip if you don’t mind!!!


  13. Great topic, Laura. I believe in thanking people, even if I don’t keep that up very well. I have corresponded with a few authors (including Budge Wilson after talking with her at a conference and taking one of my daughters to meet her) and I find they are ‘just people’. Imagine that! 😉

    Over 20 years ago one author’s book had such an impact on my life and I always wanted to write to her but was too shy. Several months ago I did, and she wrote back! (This was all by ‘snail mail’ as she doesn’t use email.) She was so pleased to hear from me and said my letter meant more to her now than it would have all those years ago. So, I guess late is better than not at all.

    Now that I am writing more than I ever have before I have come to realize how important it is to let authors know how much their work means to readers.

    Here’s a potato chip for you, Laura. As I said in my review of Bitter, Sweet on my blog, I enjoyed your book even more the second time I read it. 🙂 Thanks.


    • Yes, I know it comes as a shock to some, that authors are just ordinary folk. 😉

      Thanks for sharing this story, Lynn. I find myself smiling as I watch you come out of your shell more and more. I am so pleased to be able to witness it. 🙂 By the sounds of it, your letter came to this author just at the right time, The Universe has a wonderful way of orchestrating its magic.

      Thanks for the potato chip, Lynn. Those are the kind of late night snacks I can really sink my teeth into 😉


  14. Thank you for this, Laura. What an awesome idea. I’m off to email some of my favourite authors.


  15. Laura, what a great post and idea! I’m sittng here going, “duh” when thinking about technology now and how easy it is to locate and reach out to authors now. (Flashing back to the “fan club” random P.O. Box addresses I remember from childhood.) Off to contact some writers!


    • Hi Barbara, I’m so glad my post inspired you to take action. Things are so different these days when we can simply google our favourite author and make contact with a few strokes of the keyboard. Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comment. 🙂


  16. Laura, as a published author now, you’re speaking from experience, but I know you remember the pre-pub times when that same kind of encouragement would have been welcome for different reasons. As Holli says, of all the people who visit our blogs, only a small percentage leave comments, but those who do make our blogging efforts worthwhile. Building online relationships comes from conversations, not monologues, so it’s nice to know who’s out there reading our words.

    I don’t write authors as often as perhaps I should, because I always think their post-pub schedules keep them so busy they won’t appreciate extra mail, but you’ve prompted me to re-think that. 🙂


    • You’re so right, Carol. We all can use words of praise. It can get pretty lonely out there, especially if we don’t hear any words of encouragement. I worked that way for many years, writing, even having works published without any of the people in my life reading my work or even knowing what I was doing, except my mum who was always interested in seeing my published work.

      I’m pretty sure that most book authors are never to busy to read of note from a fan. Most authors whom I’ve written tell me that my note made their day. 🙂


  17. I was able to read at the age of two years old. I hope my future baby will follow in my footsteps, as hubby is not a reader.


    • Being an early reader I’m sure you will make books available for your children, and i’m willing to bet you will be reading to them at a VERY early age. 🙂


  18. Lol, this is so true. We read to Luna and she loves LOVES it when she recognizes objects in her books: “Oh, look, there’s a puppy” and “Oh, look, there’s snow.” It engages her mind, which is SO important when they’re young. She’s seventeen months, and she loves grabbing books and looking at the images, saying “ree, ree, ree” (for read) while she does it.


    • Juliana, So nice to have you come for a visit! Baby’s recognizes words long before they have the ability to use spoken words. It is marvelous to see ho their little minds work and see the delight on their faces when they understand what we are saying to them. Books are such a great way to engage our kids as they begin to gain language skills. I’m so pleased that you read to Luna, but then I knew you would be one of those moms.. 🙂



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