A Positive Approach to Winter

In an If-you-can’t-beat-‘em-join-‘em approach to the snow this winter, I’m trying my hardest not to complain about the white stuff. Besides the fact that complaining doesn’t do one iota of good, I’ve also been trying to busy myself with other things—writing being first and foremost. Truthfully, not complaining helps keep the cranky away. I’ve come to realize the more you complain, the more you enjoy it until it almost becomes an Olympic sport. Not only that, you find others to join your team in your quest for gold. We’re usually good at finding teammates.

SO enough of the grumbling about the snow. Spring will come sooner or later. I say this with conviction as we’ve never yet had a winter that lasted 365 days—not to my memory at least. So here are a few things I’ve been doing to keep that four letter word from making me gripe.

1. Write, write, write: Okay, no surprises here. I’ve been making great headway on a project I started several years back. I’ve come back to the place where I’m enjoying the story again. Here’s where I’ll let you all in on a secret, we writers sometimes come to despise the story we’re working on. It’s true! We lose all objectivity about our own work. We can’t seem to put a sentence together with eloquence, our plot line stinks to high heaven. Sometimes we pull our hair and gnash our teeth. Sitting at the computer and opening that file can be pure hell. But even at that it still beats four feet of snow!

2. Knit, knit, knit: I’m a knitter, have been since I was a kid trying to knit a scarf with two nails and a ball of cheap yarn I found lying around the house. Not an easy thing to do, knitting with two nails that is, but even so I wasn’t complaining about the s***. You’ll be happy to know that I graduated to knitting needles many moons ago. I’ve made socks and mittens, sweaters and even afghans over the years. This winter I’ve picked up where I left off three years ago. My rippling wave afghan didn’t go anywhere during that time. Maybe this winter I’ll complete it.

3. Housework: Okay, that’s just a little joke to throw you off.

4. Reading, reading, reading: I’ve read some great books this winter, one for book club coming up next week and several simply for enjoyment. Actually, all the books I read are for enjoyment. Here’s where I want to mention that I love reading books from local authors and Canadian authors in general. We have a lot of talent in this country. I’ve some great local books coming up on my reading list. Hugh R. MacDonald and his novel Us and Them the sequel to his book Trapper Boy. Meghan Marentette’s The Stowaways , Shatterproof by Jocelyn Shipley and Keeper of the Light by Janet Barkhouse. Maybe you’ll have time to check out some of these great reads.

5. Treadmill: Yup. I’ve been faithfully working out this winter. Okay, so we all know that treadmills are like THE most BORING thing on the face of the earth after the first two minutes, but I’ve got a little secret. I read while I’m walking the miles. Yes, I do. Many people say they just can’t do it. These same people can’t read while riding in a vehicle. I can do both. Lucky me. No complaints here.

6. Snowshoeing: I’ve been making an effort to get out there when the weather’s good which hasn’t been all that often this past week. (Nope, that’s not a complaint…just stating facts.) The good news is next week’s forecast is looking up.

7. Gourmet Cooking: Haha! Not really. That one was actually for my kids if they happen to be reading. I figure they could do with the belly laugh after the snowy week we just had.

8. Snow racing: Admit it, this one sounds impressive. Snowracing—whizzing down the slopes, wind on my face, sun in my eye, the taste of freedom on my lips. Here’s the real scoop: when our grandson came for a visit a few weeks back, Guppy and I each took some turns on the Snowracer. (Sorry no photos as proof.) First time ever for me; not sure about Guppy. Oh, the things we do for grandkids.

9. Join the circus: Surprised ? Me too. This winter watching the news has been like having a front row seat at the circus. I’m not looking to get into any political debates here, but daggum it’s been interesting to say the least. All the juggling of news and fake news, people walking a very tight rope, a pretty sad bunch of clowns making us laugh and cry. Yes, indeed, there has been a lot of interesting acts taking place under the big top this winter. Every night there seems to be a new attraction added to the show. I wait in anticipation. All that’s required is for me to bring my own popcorn and drinks…lots of drinks.

So there you have it, my positive approach to this snowy Nova Scotia weather. While I may not love the mounds of snow we’ve been getting I’m doing what I can to keep from complaining about the things I can’t change.

What have you been doing this winter instead of complaining about the weather?

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  1. The winter in Ontario hasn’t been recognizable. Sure we have snow, but it’s here and there, a little freezing rain, some ice, bad driving for a day or two at a time, and not much snow to shovel this year. If you wait a while, the sun melts it and the early bird who rushes out to do his duty feel foolish.
    Congrats on your polishing up your MS. Nice to read how you’ve been doing lately.
    I know about taking a dislike to a work and then loving it again later. o_O


    • Thanks, Tess. Our winter hadn’t been so bad until a few weeks ago. Last week we got three storms in a week. Go figure. What is nice is seeing the longer daylight hours. I always enjoy this time of the year when you can definitely see that winter is getting shorter.


  2. Entertainment at its best. Fun read!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. There are always things to do to keep your mind off of bad weather, even housework and gourmet cooking!! Glad you have made headway with your writing and TBR list. The downside of living in a warmer climate is I am not getting as much reading done. Maybe I should get an exercise bike as I can´t read and walk the dog. Thanks for the update.


    • Gotta love that housework and gourmet cooking! I will say, crappy weather makes for good reading time. 😀 I agree, it’s not so easy to find time during the warm weather. Just as long as you make time for writing!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Judi

     /  February 18, 2017

    Well Laura, I must say that was very entertaining. When I was there for lunch I didn’t see any gourmet cooking, what’s up with that???? The snowshoeing I would love to see you doing that, along with the snow racing. You shouldn’t have any problem with that because you are already low to the snow and should go really fast. LOL I have no problem keeping busy with all this snow, and by the way I love all the snow. I am among and very small amount of people who enjoy the white stuff. I usually get a lot of things done in the winter because I am not running the roads, therefore, I am home to do things. Sounds reasonable right. Love Ya.


    • What do mean no gourmet cooking? Salmon is not gourmet. 😉 The company was the best. That was the important part. I’m looking forward to your next visit! xoxo


  5. Writing. I’ve been doing more writing, which should be what I do anyway, right? And blogging, lots of blogging. And reading. I have SO MANY books waiting to be enjoyed. Writing and blogging and reading, and not much more than that – besides life and what it regularly brings.
    I’m glad you’ve found a way to avoid complaining about what happens every year in one amount or another. 🙂 It really is a waste of creative time, you know, complaining about something we cannot change. I know that only too well. (It’s the cold I mind most.)
    Great post, Laura. Enjoy the season’s beauty; it will soon be another one .. yay!


    • I’m glad you’re able to get in more writing time, Lynn. This time of the year is perfect for writing if we feel inspired to do so. We’re having a gorgeous day and it feels like spring outside. I’m so looking forward to the warm weather. Take care and keep writing!


  6. #1 & #4, for me too, could only knit scarves so, not much joy in that, but sitting near windows while the sunlight filters through and reading seems very enjoyable on winter days.

    have a lovely day.


  7. I agree with you , Lissa, about those sunny winter days. Today in Nova Scotia it’s absolutely beautiful. I’m about to go snowshoeing! Keep writing and reading, and always making art. Each time I visit your blog I’m reminded of how ridiculously talented you are. ❤



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