Buy Book or Buy Nook

All this talk about ebooks these days leaves me thinking I just “don’t know much.”

I recently learned from author, Linda Cassidy Lewis, that a Nook is a Barnes and Nobleereader. If you haven’t checked out Linda’s blog yet you should. Linda is the midst of preparing her novel, The Brevity of Roses for publication. She’s one of many authors these days who are choosing to go Indie. It’s been interesting following her journey.

Now that I’ve been newly educated I learned, just this morning, from my publisher that Bitter, Sweet is now available as an ebook. Talk about timing! At the moment it’s only available on the Barnes and Noble site, but it will also be available for a Kobo soon. I’ve been told it’s a bit of a complicated process.

I’ve included the link here if you care to check it out.

It’s all very new for Nimbus and they’ve only just begun to prepare their backlist. Hmm. I know this is the way the publishing industry is headed, but I can’t help but hold onto the hope that our paper version of books will not disappear off the face of the planet one day. Call me old-fashioned, but I can’t see myself using an ereader anytime soon. Still, if I’ve learned anything in fifty years it’s to never say never. I would imagine that publishing companies have to keep up with the times. It’s an interesting world we live in.

How do you all feel about ereaders? Do you own one, plan to own one, or plan never to own one?

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  1. I have an iPad, & a Kobo account. What I’m doing is purchasing novels that I’m unlikely to want to clutter up my bookcase–mysteries, etc–as ebooks, and spending my money on real books that I will always want to keep–Canadian fiction, garden and nature books, etc. Including Bitter, Sweet. But I don’t need more Patricia Cornwell or John Sandford books in my overcrowded bookcases, yet I might reread them (I do that with mysteries as a way of coping with insomnia). I don’t really want to see my book published as an e-Book, but that’s because I personally don’t like garden books as pdf files, etc.


    • That sounds like an idea Jodi. You’re right, we all have books that we might want to read but not necessarily want to take up space in our bookshelf. I hadn’t thought of it that way.

      You raise an interesting question: Are all book suitable for downloading? I’m trying to imagine what your book would be like. Hmmmm. Think I’ll keep my printed copy of your book!


  2. Madison Woods

     /  March 28, 2011

    I think I’d embrace both worlds willingly, but I’ll probably never want to give up real books. One day I’ll get a reader, but they’re not affordable enough for me yet. For now, I have a couple books downloaded on my pc from Kindle, but I hate reading on my computer screen.

    I love real books and I’ll want my favorites to be in ‘real’ book form, especially those for identifying plants or those heavy with photography.


    • I also love “real” books.I shy away from saying I’ll absolutely never own an ereader because sometimes we do change our minds.But if I did, I could see myself like Jodi and still having my favourite print books on my shelf.


  3. I am firmly opposed to e-books…here’s a post I wrote last summer:



    • Being a book seller, Wendy I’m sure you have strong feelings about e-books. I’ll check out your post.Thanks for sharing it!


  4. Wow! You’ve got a Nook Book. Aren’t you tempted to get a reader, just to see it ion that form? I would be. But I have to say I’m glad I have your paper book. I can have you sign it if ever I meet you. Can’t do that with Kindle or Kobo.


    • Yes, it’s kind of exciting even if I am on the fence about the whole e-book issue. Yet for those who own and love one I think they should certainly be able to choose which form they wish to read their books.

      Am I tempted to get a reader? Not really. But now that you put the thought in my head..hmmm.

      I’d be more that pleased to sign a copy of my book for you and I do hope that one day we will meet.


  5. Congrats that Bitter, Sweet is now an e-book! I don’t have an e-reader yet, but I would like to have one. As priorities go, it’s not at the top of my need list, but it’s high up there on my would-like-to-have list. 🙂 Blessings, Laura…


    • Thanks Carol Ann, I hope you realize how much I appreciate your support! You’re always here to leave an encouraging word! Thanks!

      Here’s to the day when you get your e-reader!!


  6. It is wonderful to be able to offer your book in both formats Laura. As writers we want the world to read our stories in any format they chose. For travellers, e-books are the best as you can take as many books along as you want in one small easy to carry “book”. I also find seniors are buying e-readers for a number of reasons. As they downsize, they no longer have room for many books, they can also no longer carry heavy books around and they can adjust the font on an e-reader to accomodate weaker vision. Don’t worry, people will still buy printed books. Some bibliophiles (like me) will have copies of both, one to have on the bookshelf to take down and rad in front of the fire and one to take along on my holiday or have in my purse to read on the bus or waiting for an appointment. It is all good.


    • Darlene, you’re so right. Regardless of how I’m feeling about the e-readers themselves, it is a good thing.If we are able to reach more people, have more readers find our books, then we have to look at it as a postive thing.

      You probably know more about this subject than most of us. Obviously every new bit of technology has some postive aspects to it or else we wouldn’t have people jumping on board. I’m sure there are those who still look down on computers. It’s a matter of getting used to the new but it shouldn’t mean we have to also give up the old. I may write on a computer these days, but that doesn’t mean I can’t or don’t get out a pen and paper sometimes.


  7. Elizabeth

     /  March 28, 2011

    There’s nothing like holding a book in my hands, and being able to turn the pages… It captivates me in a way that e-books can’t. I like to be able to pass my books along to others to enjoy, and I like picking up secondhand books. I also love to browse libraries and bookstores.

    I thought I’d hate reading books on a screen, but I discovered that there are actually many benefits. On my device I can change the size of the text to meet my needs, which isn’t something you can do with a printed book. I can highlight things within the text, without needing a highlighter. I can mark my page, and not have to worry about the bookmark falling out. I can look up the meaning of a word and cross-reference, within the book itself. No more need to run for a dictionary, or firing up the computer to do a search online. If a book is really large, it’s much easier to hold a small electronic device, especially if I’m in bed. Instead of trying to cram a book in my purse, I can just cary a small device. Actually, I can take as many books with me as I please. Having books with you on the go is great for passing time, and also for making reference.

    Books can take up a lot of space, and so for those looking to cut down on clutter, e-books are a great alternative. Personally, I like having my books around me. They are like old friends, and a comfort. So far I’ve downloaded mainly novels. I figure if I become really attached to one, I could pick up a printed copy in the future. I also have a couple anthologies on my device that are great for light reading that I can pick up and put down whenever and wherever.

    My device? Just my iPod touch. I downloaded the Kindle app, which gives me access to numerous books I can download for reasonable prices, and some are even free. I also have the FreeBooks app, ShortStories app, and the Shakespeare app. It’s amazing how many apps there are for reading. I will most likely explore some more. I’m so glad that I have an iPod touch as opposed to an e-reader. E-readers do one thing, and one thing only. My i-Pod touch allows me read books, amongst many other things. iPod touches vary in prices, according to how much storage you want. Some are priced about the same as e-readers.


    • Hi Elizabeth. It’s nice to know you’re still out there checking in from time to time. 🙂

      You make an excellent point as did a few others, it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

      I’m so far behind the times I’m not sure I’ve even seen an ipod. How pathetic is that? No, please don’t answer that. 😉


  8. Elizabeth

     /  March 28, 2011

    Just posting this so that I receive updates to my new email address.


  9. My husband has a Kobo and loves it when he is travelling, where he can also read work-related PDFs that he’s downloaded as well. As a writer, one thing to remember is that as a book, your work often has limited shelf time. Books get remaindered, sent back to the publisher from bookstores, etc. to make room for new books to attract customers. Ebooks stay on sale forever. Not a bad thing.


    • You’r right, Heather. I’m not sure how I feel about ever owning a e-reader, but for the writer in me I know this will mean my book will reach more readers. Definitely true that ebooks will stay on sale forever. There is more than one way to look at this.


  10. I love my Kindle. I was reluctant to make the switch. If I finish a book when I’m out somewhere I don’t have to wait to start the next one. No more trying to decide which book to pack for a trip. I can take them all. 🙂 Of course, I still want to see my name in print one day. 🙂


    • We’re often reluctant to make changes and so often they are not the horrible thing we imagine it to be.

      It does seem that many of us still feel that a printed book is something special, and it is.


  11. I look at a computer screen all day at work so when I read for pleasure, I prefer it to be a printed book.


    • I can see where your situation might turn you off from wanting toread on an e-reader, Tracy. I’m sure many other people share your sentiment.


  12. I don’t own an e-reader and probably never will. Paper books don’t need batteries or recharging, and I love to hold the book in my hand. And if I want to reread it ten years from now, I know exactly where it is: on the shelf. Will my e-reader books I buy today be able to work on e-readers bought ten years from now? And will I still have the file?

    I also wonder about the health risks associated with e-readers. Sure, they haven’t discovered any risks, yet, but e-readers are relatively new; not everyone has one. It’s already been proven that cell phones can increase your risk of cancer if you use them often. What will an e-reader do?

    I already get enough exposure to computer screens; I don’t need more while reading for enjoyment. And I can throw a book against the wall or drop it off the step and it still works!


  13. Congrats on Bitter, Sweet getting out there in it’s new format! I wish you many new sales.

    And thank you for the shout out. 🙂


    • Thanks Linda! You know more about this format that I. It will be interesting to see what the future holds in store.

      And you are most welcome!


  14. My novel comes out in July as an e-book. I’m excited. I love my Kobo, especially on long trips to the city. I prefer to read in the winter time in place of watching the highway and all the icy road conditions. In the summer I love to sit on the patio with a good e-book. I still love holding a real book in my hands, but e-books definitely have their place. Great post, Laura.


    • Great news that your novel will be an e-book in July, Joylene. You seem to be one of the ones who have made the adjustment quite easily. One thing I see us all agreeing on is that we enjoy holding a book in our hands. I guess some things don’t change afer all.


  15. In answer to your questions – mixed, no, maybe, yes but maybe not anymore.

    I have mixed feelings about e-readers, I do not own one, and I had decided I never would own one until recently when I came across a book I was interested in reading but it is only in a format for an e-reader. hmm Well, maybe I could get one just for those. And when the price comes down.

    I love paper books. Love ’em!


    • Oh, and I might add … I so enjoy perusing a bookstore, touching the pretty covers, walking down row after row to choose the volume I want and making my purchase. Even standing in line with wonderful books in my arms is so worth it.
      Tere is a sense of satisfaction that greatly overrides the appeal of shopping for a download (or however one goes about obtaining a book for an e-reader.) How does one share excitement over a beautiful download? Is there such a thing? 😉
      Look at this beautiful book I bought today! Now THAT’s what I’m talking about!


      • Oh yes, the trips into the bookstore! It is exciting isn’t it? Not the same feeling checking a book out on line that’s for sure.


  16. I agree with you and am not a fan of e-readers. Not everything has to go electronic and books are works of art, from the cover picture to all the words in between and the binding. Years from now these books will serve as records of the past and it’s important to preserve them in addition to the vast world of computers and the internet.:)


    • My daughter said that perhaps in the future the price of printed books will go up because of the ebooks. Which may be better for the authors but not the consumers. It’s difficult to say where we are headed.


  17. I don’t believe print books will disappear entirely…at least not for a long time. We humans are sensual creatures. Print books can engage the senses in ways that ebooks cannot. That being said, I do love the convenience of ebooks. I can see a balance of the two forming. Some of my favorite books I’d want to have in both print and ebook formats. Can’t look at an ebook on a bookshelf and I do love to look at my books…there’s something homey about a bookshelf packed with books I’ve read…memories attached to each one, etc. Ebooks though, can be instantly downloaded and I can take a zillion with me on the road. So, for me, it’s both.


    • I certainly hope printed books don’t disappear entirely, Sonia. I’m sure where so many people feel so strongly about it the publishing industry will continue to print books. If there’s a market for something the product is always available. It seems as though anyone who does have an ereader still enjoy a book to hold and flip through the pages..


  18. Late to the party, as usual. I like ebooks, but also buy paper, though I prefer to buy from small booksellers, even if the cost is a bit higher. I have a Kindle & an iPad – though I like the Kindle as a reader better. Nook is next. As an author – I think you’ll like selling B,S on ereaders. The convenience for the reader is awesome & you can check samples out before hitting the buy button. My books are on Kindle & Nook. Sales (particularly on Kindle) have been good, though printed versions also sell at a respectable clip. I do think there’s room for both types of books & don’t think paper will disappear anytime soon. Good Luck with the e-book. I need ya to sign my paper version of B,S.


    • It’s encouraging to hear you say that sales of you books have been doing good on Kindle and Nook. For my publisher this is new to them so we have no idea how sales will be. Later, it will be for sale in Canada an an ebook as well.

      I’m thinking you quite like writing that—B,S–don’t you? LOL!


  19. “I’m thinking you quite like writing that—B,S–don’t you? LOL!”

    Yup! And I can’t wait to see the title of your next book.


    • Yeah well, you can bet I’ll be giving that next title a LOT of thought, maybe look at it from Dave Ebright’s perspective if I’m really smart. Too funny!


  20. I was a “never going to buy an e-reader” type, but received a Kindle as a present last year. I then refused to read anything on it and played some mean games of Scrabble for a few weeks. That changed when I started downloading a few titles and reading them while on the treadmill. Way easier then reading a book or magazine.

    I recently went on a flight (well 4 with the connections) and was going to take a library book on the trip. At the last min, I grabbed the Kindle and put the book back. Much lighter weight and I liked having choices of titles to go between. Like someone else said, I think I’ll use the Kindle for the larger novels that I don’t want clogging the bookshelf. I’ll still purchase paper books by favorite authors that I want to collect and some non-fiction titles (e.g., a crochet book with colored pictures). I now think that both mediums fo readers are good.


    • I can see that having a kindle would take up at lot less space when travelling than packing a bunch of books. Your resistance, in the beginning, is probably typical for most of us. Perhaps that’s why some of us are unsure about e-readers–it’s different and new.Change often takes awhile for us to get used to.



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