Literary Night in New Germany

So I’m an author of a newly published book, I can now sit back and watch the sales roll on in, right?  Wrong. Any author will tell you that, while sales are great, knowing that our book is being shared with others is the greatest reward.  It’s really about our book, not us. Unfortunately, books can promote themselves, they need a little nudging from their authors.These past few weeks have been a very busy time for me. Juggling a newly published book, work, writing, family and friends, a little bit of volunteer work thrown in there are well, makes for busy times. But I knew that going into it, and I wouldn’t change anything if I could. Well, maybe I’d wish for that million dollar book contract (I keep harping about ) so that I could drop work off my list, but we don’t live in a perfect world. And to tell the truth it would likely be pretty boring if we did.

Literary NightHere’s a photo from last Wednesday’s Literary Night in New Germany. I was invited to participate along with Alison Smith, a very talented poet from the area. We read from, and discussed, our work. It was the first time for the event and no one knew exactly how it would go over. But you never know what to expect from rural Nova Scotia. We were very pleased by the turn-out. There were lots of books sold and signed, great conversation, what more could one expect? The event was mentioned multiple times on CKBW radio the week prior to and leading up the event. I swear we didn’t even have to pay Mike Richards to do this.  What a swell guy! He gave away some free copies of my book this past week as well, and did a short interview with me. He has other giveaways planned with several other Nimbus Publishing books in the weeks to come, so if you’re from the area tune in.

DSC04473I could have listened to Alison all evening. No wonder her poetry has received so much attention. You can check out Alison’s blog HERE. So that’s been my week, along with becoming a grandmother for the second time. But I’ve gotta say, I’ll take a new grandchild over a published book any day. I can hardly wait to cuddle that little bundle of joy.









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  1. Sounds like a wonderful evening in New Germany. I love the name of the town. Are there many people of German descent living there? My background is German and the southern Alberta rural town I am from is made up of mostlypeopel of German descent. (It could have been called New Germany.) Congratulations on the new grandson. When will you get to meet him?


    • It was a wonderful time, Darlene! Not really sure if today there are many people of German decent there, but I do think it’s probably a fair amount. I also have German ancestors.

      Thanks for the congrats. Not sure when we’ll get to meet him likely sometime this week or the weekend. 🙂


  2. David

     /  November 17, 2013

    Congratulations on the new grandbaby. Babies are great. My wife and I, however, will have to wait in that department with our girls in university.

    And, continued success in the release of your book. It must be exciting.


    • Thanks, David! New babies and new books are both exciting and all in the same season. 🙂 Can hardly wait to see the little guy in person.


  3. Sounds like a very busy and enjoyable time.Congratulations on your new grandson and your new book. I wonder if that million dollar book contract would be as wonderful as we imagine it to be. We write from what we know and we give to our family and friends from that same place. Can’t help but wonder if the life that could come along with that contract might be a very large price to pay. Let’s just keep writing and enjoying the life and the success we have been given but promise not to forget each other if one of us signs that million dollar contract.


    • It was a lot of fun, and I’m tickled pink about the new book and the new grandbaby. It’s been a fantastic fall. Sue, I’ll always remember you and your beautiful writing, million dollar book contract or not!


  4. Laura, you look so bookish … great shot and a wonderful post for a wonderful book 🙂


  5. Sounds like a very pleasant event. Congratulations on the successful evening and the new grandbaby! 🙂


  6. How delightful for you, Laura … all of it!



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