The Two Most Powerful Words in the World

As a writer I contemplate, not only sentences and paragraphs, but individual words. I love words, all kinds of words. Not just your run-of-the-mill words, but words that have some oomph behind them, words that resonate in the thoughts and hearts of many, words that possess the power to shape our lives.

Shape our lives.” How can an itty-bitty word do all that, you might ask? I do think it’s possible, but only if you’re willing to open your mind to the possibility.

I’m not sure what the most important word in the English language is, or even if one words stands above the rest, but here are my thoughts. We could probably debate this if we wanted, but without any concrete way to prove it, it would simply be a waste of time. Undeniably is the fact that certain words have the power to evoke emotions within us. They can inspire us to do good things for ourselves and for others. They can get us up out of that chair and send us off into the world ready to participate and make a difference instead of letting life happen without us lifting a baby finger in the process. Here are some words that are all inspiring for me. You might have  your own words that hold some special meaning, but for me here are some of the biggies. In no particular order.

As you read each one take a moment to contemplate what that word means to you. Is it just a word or is there a feeling that accompanies it?








While I find the above words to be SO inspiring, I started wondering the other day if I had to choose two words that totally draw me in and keeping me reaching forward in life, what would they be? What words stop me short, when I see them written out, and totally inspire me to try harder. I knew what they were without putting too much thought into it because these two words have been following me around most of my life, even when I wasn’t aware of their existence. And hey, it’s not just because I’m a writer that I can say this. They are both just truly wonderful words.

So what do I think are the two most important words in the English language?

…. Imagine



 I’d love to know, what words inspire you?

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  1. Friday payday


  2. The first two that came to mind, without any pre-thinking, are “LOVE” and “FAMILY” – the two things I couldn’t survive without (although there are other things I need, too).


    • LOVE and FAMILY are two things most of us can’t survive without. Agreed, they are also important words. “MILLION DOLLAR WRITING CONTRACT” just popped into my mind. Although so far we’re both surviving without that. 😉


  3. I think the two you have chosen are the most powerful words there are. If I was to pick to others, they would be Courage and Embrace


  4. I’ve started an argument with myself trying to narrow it down to two words! It seems that my choices differ depending on what kind of inspiration I’m needing. What I think of as important words are different than the ones that inspire me. From a writing perspective I think your two choices nail it.


    • I chose “Imagine” because nothing has ever come into being without it first being imagined. I feel as though that has been present right from the beginning of time. I like the word “believe” because all the imagining in the word won’t bring things into being if we first don’t believe it’s possible. No matter what words we might chose, there’s no denying the power that words possess. As a writer that makes me happy. 🙂


  5. Dream and Believe are my two words. There are many others but those come to mind first. They cover so much. Without dreaming and believing we won’t have love, hope, imagination or magic in our lives. (we probably wouldn’t have any writers either.)


    • You’re so right, Darlene. 🙂 It amazes me to think how many of us were brought up to think that dreaming was a waste of time. My goodness, we’d be lost without it.


  6. I’ve used most of these words in my stories, particularly dream, hope, magic and wish. They inspire me. I am a dreamer. I make wishes. Hope keeps me going even when I think I’ll fail. I’ve done stuff for love that I would not have done otherwise. I’ve had faith in myself when no one else has. I live in a world of magic and I believe we can find peace within us. Where imagination is magic, is my motto.

    Great post, Laura. I wish everyone used these words more often.


    • They are inspiring words, Diane. Maybe as writers we see the importance of these words more than others, although I can’t help but think there are many others out there who feel the same way. I do think we could benefit from using these words more often.


  7. it’s hard to choose just two words because together they might have different meanings than separately. if I were to choose right now, it would ‘dream’ and ‘okay’. I think ‘dream’ have a lot of meaning to it. maybe it’s because I grow up with that word or maybe I use it a lot but that word has always stuck with me.

    hope you have a great 2014.


    • Thanks, Lissa. I’m very hopeful that 2014 will be all I imagine it to be and more. I’m happy to think that “Dream” has a lot of meaning for you. People who dream accomplish so much. Here’s wishing you a fabulous year. I popped over to you new blog awhile back, and liked what I saw. 🙂


  8. milap

     /  March 1, 2014

    ” myself ” and ” god “combination of both create everything for me.any one is missing incomplete everything.



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