Kicking off the New Year

The new year has always filled me with hope, from the time I was young. I’m not sure why. Turning a calendar page seems like a simple act. We do it twelve times a year. But starting out with a whole new calendar feels special.

I know not everyone shares this feeling with me and it will certainly be lost to those of us in the future who have no use for such things as calendars or even wrist watches, for that matter—things that keep track of time. Personally, I’d be lost without a watch on my wrist. I’ve always worn one. And as well, I’m sure I will always have a calendar in my house.

I picked up a monthly planner for 2023 the other day while in town and I’ve been jotting down little things, like the weather and temperature. It’s been fun and will hopefully, give me something to look back on and compare when another year rolls around.

So far, the weather here in Nova Scotia has been exceptional with temperatures mostly above freezing. We’ve leaves on the ground instead of snow. That changed today, however, as we’re experiencing some ice pellets and a bit of snow. While the ground is now white, there really isn’t much at all. I am not complaining. The weather will be what it is regardless. And with so many places in Canada and the US being bogged down with snow at the moment, I consider us lucky.

I’ve been spending some time writing, as was the plan, and trying to settle into one story to work on. I think I mentioned earlier that I have several on the go at the moment. When the story finally speaks to me, I will know which one to dedicate my time to.

Edits for my next book will get underway sometime this year. I have no idea when. It’ll be interesting to see how this one is received as it is very different from all my others. The young protagonist, a boy, is fourteen and this book has a contemporary setting.

I’m happy to report that I’ve been taking those baby steps I mentioned in a previous post, taking some time for myself each day in a number of little ways that might seem insignificant to others but kind of important to me. Part of this is being consistent, not skipping a day because I run out of time, but making these little things a priority. Carving out, even small amounts of time for ourselves each day can be very challenging but not impossible.

So, this is me kicking off the New Year in fine fashion. I’m filled with optimism and hope and back to singing every day. 🙂 While a song makes no promises, (as I once wrote in a short story) it can sure help keep your spirits up.

I hope your New Year is starting off on a good foot as well. Here’s hoping 2023 turns into a much nicer year than we’ve experienced for awhile.

Looking Forward to the end of 2021

So many times we hear people make the statement that they can hardly wait to see the end of a certain year, usually meaning that the year was pretty horrific for them. It has always seemed interesting to me when people seem to blame a particular year for bringing hardships to them, as if the changing of a calendar page will bring improvements. I’m not saying this in a critical way. Not at all. Just an observation. I’ve probably thought or said the same thing at one time or another.

A year is a measurement of time–365 days–both good things and bad things will happen. It’s inevitable. But here’s a thought, perhaps it is the turning of the calendar that brings people hope, hope that things will improve.

Hope is an important thing in our lives. It’s what keeps us going when times are tough.

I do like the start of a New Year, because for some unexplainable reason, the starting of another year does fill me with hope, and hope is a pretty powerful thing. It’s what keeps us going when times get hard. There have been many times during my life when I felt hope slipping from me, but I’ve always been able to reach in deep and find it–eventually. It’s not always an easy thing. Sometimes, often times, it takes many attempts. Pulling hope out from a dark place doesn’t always come with a sudden surge or flash when you find it, sometimes it’s but a small thread we feel at the tips of our fingers, until eventually we discover a way to pull it out of the rubble of our own despair.

I don’t make resolutions. I do sometimes state intentions for the upcoming year. For me, that seems less restrictive and I’m not one for setting myself up for failure.

There are some things I hope to accomplish next year if things go as planned. Some of it has to do with inner work which, for me, is very important at this time in my life.

At Christmas we wish people peace and joy, but these things are important all year long. May you all find inner peace and joy as we go forward and may you always find hope when times feel dark.

This is my 700th blog post. I’ve been blogging for over twelve years now. I want to thank my loyal readers out there for taking their much valued time to read the things that are on my mind. I hope you know how very much that means to me.

Here’s a lovely quote by Meister Eckhart that has always been special for me

“If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.

Thank you!

The Season for Birdhouses

When I was young people built birdhouses in the spring hoping to entice some feathered friends to move in. Most of those neighbours were swallows, but sometimes other birds would take up residence. Hubby still builds birdhouses and with all the extra time on his hands I’m sure construction will continue in the weeks ahead. Last year we had a family of chickadees as well as the swallows.

Here is the latest duplex that Hubby made completely out of recycled material. I hope the birds appreciate his efforts to reuse.

I realize that this house probably does not exemplify the meaning of physical or social distancing that is so important at this time, although I think so long as the birds don’t object they will be fine. In fact, I’m willing to bet on it.

In some ways I consider myself fortunate during these times of the COVID 19 pandemic as we have 7.5 acres to roam around on. Our property also boarders a lake. Yesterday, I sat by the water’s edge, felt the warmth of the sun on my face, and for a time I stayed totally present. I didn’t think about what all was going on in the world, the all the worries about the future and exactly what the world would look like when we finally come through to the other side. I didn’t fret about the launching of my book this spring which is obviously on hold. I pushed away my sadness of not being able to visit with our grandchildren in the coming months and the reality that rural living means poor internet access for many of us. We are not even able to set up virtual visit.

So I sat there yesterday, taking in the beauty and feeling totally grateful for the moment and the entire day which couldn’t have felt more perfect. The air was quiet and I could hear the sound of water trickling from one place to another. There was a trio of Canada geese peacefully maneuvering their way across the water. Ducks quacked and fluttered their wings. The geese honked.

As I sat there looking out across the water, I thought about the people who lived in our home before us. I thought about how much harder life was for them back then and how hard they had to work. They did not have any of the modern things we take for granted these days; washing machines, dishwashers, TV, computers. I wondered if they ever had the chance to just sit by the lake watching and listening or if they were just too busy to appreciate it all. I thought, what a shame it was if they didn’t.

As it is important for us to remain hopeful during these uncertain times, please remember that there have been many before us who have faced adversity and came through stronger. We will too. I will leave you with this wonderful symbol of hope.


Stay strong. Stay at home. We will get through this.


A Post About Hope

I wanted to write a post about hope because it’s something we can all use, now more than ever, as we adjust to this new reality we’re in with social distancing. Such uncertain times for all of us as we try to keep ourselves and others safe from this invisible enemy. 

I read recently that hope empowers us. While this is true, hope can be hard to hang onto. Yet hope is the very thing that keeps us moving forward during trying times. Here’s something you might not know about me but I’m hopelessly hopeful. I find it difficult to admit defeat. I hang in there till the bitter even when common sense tells me otherwise because you just never know. But there are times when even I find it difficult to feel hope.

We’ve seen a lot of changes in our world in a very short time. For many of us, hope is what will bring us through the weeks and months ahead. There is no magic formula for hope. You can’t hold it in your hand but we can sometimes find hope in the most unlikely places. Sometimes it’s the little things–a meaningful gesture, the sight of new shoots poking their way out of the ground, a rainbow arching across the sky after the rain, the sound of children’s laughter or acts of kindness that warm our hearts–that can give us a glimmer of hope during dark times.

Earlier today, I went searching for some quotes about hope. Thankfully, there are plenty out there. Below are some that resonated with me and I wanted to share them. While a few quotes about hope won’t make this situation go away, my thought is that it certainly can’t hurt. There will be days ahead when many of us will need a gentle reminder of the hope that is all around us. My hope, my wish for all of you is that we will all work together to keep each other safe. 

  1. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace; where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy.~~ Saint Francis of Assisi

      2. Hope is outreaching desire with expectancy of good. It is a characteristic of all living beings.

         ~~Edward S. Ame

      3. Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and     never stops at all.~~ Emily Dickinson

      4. If you are going through hell, keep going. ~~Winston Churchill

      5. For every dark night there’s a brighter day. ~~Tupac

      6. Hope is the last thing ever lost. ~~Italian proverb

      7. Hope costs nothing.~~ Colette

       8. Hope is important because it can make the present moment less difficult to bear. If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today. ~~Thich Nhat Hanh

       9. Hope itself is like a star – not to be seen in the sunshine of prosperity, and only to be discovered in the night of adversity. ~~Charles Haddon Spurgeon

       10. The trouble with most people is that they think with their hopes or fears or wishes rather than with their minds.~~ Will Durant

 I hope these quotes will give you something to think about as we all try to remain hopeful in the weeks and months ahead. May we all stay safe.

Another Blast of Winter in Spring

Winter just doesn’t seem to want to go away this year. Here in East Dalhousie we were blessed with about 10 cm of snow last night. Some of it melted during the afternoon, and the eaves are still dripping. That said, we’ve been told to expect another 15 cm overnight. I’m not sure what will happen to the tulips in our garden that suddenly burst through the ground late last week, but I’m hoping they’ re hardy enough to survive this next blast of winter weather this spring. But this is not unusual for spring, nor is our complaints that winter just doesn’t want to give up. Still, with each warm day we’re granted, hope stirs inside us. That’s the one thing about hope. It seems no matter how many times we’re disappointed with the outcome of something, we remain hopeful that next time the results we’re looking for will finally show up.

It’s like that when writing a book. Most times it takes several attempts before I end up with the results I want. Some authors write many drafts before they declare the story completed. I tend to edit and revise as I go along, and often never get a first draft completely written out so I have no idea how many drafts I go through. Back when I was writing Flying with a Broken Wing I became dissatisfied with the story and even stopped working on it, so sure I was that it was never going to amount to anything, let alone anything publishable. So I took a break from it and went back to it many months later filled with new hope that this time I was going to make it to the end. And I did!

I actually started the book I’m working on now about the same time that I started Cammie Takes Flight, and while Cammie’s been a book now for nearly a year, that other book is still waiting for me. I don’t expect I’ll ever be a fast writer. Many times I feel as though the story is struggling to find me. Sometimes there’s a lot of static in the way. But when the lines finally become clear, sentences and paragraphs begin to fall into place. That’s when I know for sure the story I’m working on will not get abandoned along the wayside.

And while I’m hopeful that spring will soon be here to stay, there is definitely no guarantee. Just as there is no guarantee that the story I’m presently working on will make it into book form. Still, amidst the struggles and frustration, I try to remain hopeful. It may not always be possible. I sometimes fall into a rut and become discouraged even with three published books and over forty published short stories. I’m fairly certain I’m not alone in this. We all become discouraged from time to time. But it’s our ability to pick ourselves up time and time again, to find that small bit of hope and run with it as fast as we can, that is responsible for all the accomplishments we achieve in life.

I’ll leave you with this quote that I find particularly inspiring. Maybe you will, too.

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dare to Dream Big

I’ve been thinking a lot about the main character, Cammie Turple, from Flying with a Broken Wing and, my new book, Cammie Takes Flight and how even though the circumstances of her life were less than desirable it didn’t stop her from dreaming of a better life for herself. In some ways she’s kind of my hero and probably has more nerve than I would have had at that age or maybe any age. Mostly, I like the way she never used her circumstances, her visual impairment, or her less than desirable homelife, as an excuse for staying stuck in the life she was familiar with. Let’s be honest, it’s sometimes easy not to stretch our wings too far. We settle into the familiar because it’s easier and doesn’t require anything too strenuous from us. Reaching into that great unknown can be scary as a friend of mine often reminds me. It’s good to have friends like that who don’t let you off the hook too easily.

I sometimes think we underestimate the importance of dreams. When we were kids we were made to believe that daydreaming was a frivolous thing, perhaps something only lazy people did. And I think what a shame that is to instill that kind of thinking into a child. Luckily, things are different today and I think people have started to realize that there’s nothing wrong in having a dream or dreams and certainly nothing holding us back from realizing those dreams except maybe ourselves.

Dreams make life interesting; they fill us with purpose and hope. The best part about dreams is that it doesn’t matter how big you dream. In fact, I figure, if you’re dreaming, why not dare to dream big. I mean, what’s the point in conjuring small measly dreams when we have an imagination that holds no limits.

And so there are times when I allow myself to dream big, very big. Do I share those dreams with others? Nope. No need to. I hold them close to my heart as I imagine how it would feel to have those dreams turn to reality. Sure beats the heck out of thinking crappy, negative thoughts and feeling the emotions that goes along with that. Maybe that makes me a Pollyanna, I’m not sure I care, and I’m sure there are some who would think my dreams are unrealistic, but someone has to make it onto the New York Times Bestseller List, right? (No, I didn’t say that was one of my dreams but come to think of it, what not?)

As the release date for my new book gets closer I expect I’ll have plenty to add onto my list of dreams, and as Cammie prepares to take flight so shall I.

Arthur Photos.

Here in the Maritimes we all have our own “Arthur” story to tell. In East Dalhousie, power was out for four days.  Some of us lost our phones and Internet service.  My phone, for instance was out for 10 days, and since I’m on dial-up well…

I thought I would go beside myself. But I survived, and remained in control of my faculties, thanks to the community Cap site. Yeah!!

There were lots of downed trees during the storm. This one was blocking off one of the roads to the cottages at Lake Torment. Hubby cut the tree up and we helped removed the limps and wood to make the road passable. When you live in the country you just never know what you’ll be called to do. It’s remarkable the way everyone chips in and helps out in whatever way they can.


I find this photo particularly disturbing, seeing the damage done to the brook and trees.

DSC05273 We lost quite a few trees on our property back by the brook. Sad to see trees uprooted like that.

This tree was came down across the Lakeview Road.


Lots of trees fell across the brook as well. It will take some time to get everything cleaned up.
DSC05281 Amongst the grapevine leaves, we found a robin’s nest, it’s hiding place revealed when Arthur ripped many of the leaves away. Strange, during the toughest times, these small things capture our attention and give us hope.I’ve been counting the days, hoping the babies soon hatch. DSC05280
Mama robin is barely visible. My hope is that she can keep her small brood hidden from the crows and bluejays.

Arthur left his mark on us, and we’ll not soon forget him. But, as with everything in life, we adjust to what is and learn to carry on with what remains. What else is there to do during times like that?

Do you have an “Arthur” story? Please share if you do.

The Two Most Powerful Words in the World

As a writer I contemplate, not only sentences and paragraphs, but individual words. I love words, all kinds of words. Not just your run-of-the-mill words, but words that have some oomph behind them, words that resonate in the thoughts and hearts of many, words that possess the power to shape our lives.

Shape our lives.” How can an itty-bitty word do all that, you might ask? I do think it’s possible, but only if you’re willing to open your mind to the possibility.

I’m not sure what the most important word in the English language is, or even if one words stands above the rest, but here are my thoughts. We could probably debate this if we wanted, but without any concrete way to prove it, it would simply be a waste of time. Undeniably is the fact that certain words have the power to evoke emotions within us. They can inspire us to do good things for ourselves and for others. They can get us up out of that chair and send us off into the world ready to participate and make a difference instead of letting life happen without us lifting a baby finger in the process. Here are some words that are all inspiring for me. You might have  your own words that hold some special meaning, but for me here are some of the biggies. In no particular order.

As you read each one take a moment to contemplate what that word means to you. Is it just a word or is there a feeling that accompanies it?








While I find the above words to be SO inspiring, I started wondering the other day if I had to choose two words that totally draw me in and keeping me reaching forward in life, what would they be? What words stop me short, when I see them written out, and totally inspire me to try harder. I knew what they were without putting too much thought into it because these two words have been following me around most of my life, even when I wasn’t aware of their existence. And hey, it’s not just because I’m a writer that I can say this. They are both just truly wonderful words.

So what do I think are the two most important words in the English language?

…. Imagine



 I’d love to know, what words inspire you?

Rising Up

But from this earth, this grave, this dust, My God shall raise me up, I trust. – Walter Raleigh

My son took two photos last year on Good Friday. (The other one I posted on my Dalhousie blog.) Everytime I see this photo I’m inspired by its deeper meaning.

 A few days ago I had lunch with a writer friend of mine. It was difficult not to feel inspired afterward. Her energy and passion for writing fuelled our conversation. We talked for a few hours. I honestly believe we could have talked longer. I came home vowing to make some positive changes, not only in my approach to writing, but in my life in general. The time feels right.

Have you ever sensed that change was coming, yet you chose to ignore the signs until you were suddenly forced into it? That’s kind of how I feel at the moment. I’ve been sensing a shift, yet holding onto the old even though it hasn’t been serving me all that well.

I like challenges. I really do. I like trying to figure out what needs to be done and then doing it.

Easter is all about change. It’s about hope and inspiration, opening our hearts and minds to all we can be. It’s about rebirth and rising up to meet the challenges that come our way, not simply giving in because we find things too hard. I believe Easter is also about being all we can be and then some.

Now is a good time make changes in our lives. I feel inspired just writing that. At this time, that’s exactly where I am.  🙂

Happy Easter!

On the Subjects of Hope & Writing

A writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view, a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.” ~ Junot Diaz


When I first read this quote I fell in love with it. In fact, it inspired me to write a blog post for A Hopeful Sign..There a new post up for anyone who is interested.  Come on over and say hi. I’ll meet you over there!

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