Hitting the Big 500

I just gave myself a pat on the back because we can all use one from time to time and sometimes there’s no one else around to do it for us. This seemed like such an occasion.

For some reason hitting the big 500 feels like a big deal. When I started my blog back in 2009 I wasn’t sure what, if anything, I’d find to write about. Now look. 500 times I found something to post about and some of you kept coming back for more! As my father used to say, “You’re gluttons for punishment.” It took a long time before I understood the meaning of that expression. But truthfully, you’re awesome and I can’t begin to tell express how much your dedication means to me.

A lot has changed for me in the past four years since I began this blog. Some of it wonderful, some of it not so wonderful. But through the ups and downs I continued to post. Sometimes I hit “publish” with a sense of excitement, other times with a sense of trepidation. But hit it I did. I’m determined that way. If I wasn’t I’d never have found a publisher for my books plus a lot of other things I never imagined I’d be doing at this point in my life … Blogging being one of them!

I nearly quit blogging on a few occasions, (bet you didn’t know that!) feeling that it was a pointless gesture, that no one actually cared enough to read and the faithful ones who might weren’t into reading blogs. While WordPress lets us know how many hits we get with each post it’s easy to feel as though our words are not having the desired effect since we can’t see any of our readers. That’s why the comment section is such a wonderful and appreciated thing. It lets us know that someone is out there, watching and reading, maybe even caring just a smidge if we’re lucky.

The comment section is always open on my blog, and I don’t have to tell other bloggers how nice it is to read what others have to say about something we’ve written. Most people won’t bother to comment. They remain anonymous, invisible, silently reading. It’s okay. We understand. It still means you’re taking the time to read. Time is precious. While comments are not required, or expected, they’re always appreciated. No one writes a blog post expecting others to tell them how wonderful it is. Most of us just hope we that our words will strike a cord, perhaps make someone stop and consider an idea they might not have otherwise considered or else make them think in shades of grey instead of only black and white.

So in honour of my 500th post I want to thank all of you for dropping in to visit from time to time. It’s wonderful to have others to share the highs and lows with. Five years and I’m still hanging in there thanks to all of you. And who knows, maybe some of you “invisible” readers will one day get up the courage to leave behind a comment to let me know you’re there. 🙂

Here’s to the next 500.

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  1. Judi Phillip

     /  July 22, 2014

    Hi Laura, I must admit I am one of those who read but do not leave a comment. I just wanted you know how much I enjoy you as a person and do enjoy your blogs. Keep up your writing. There are times I laugh, times you make me think and other times just well. See you soon girl.


    • Hi Judi, I was finally able to moderate your comment. 🙂 High speed is wonderful! Wish I had it all the time.

      Thanks for letting me know you’re out there. I do appreciate it. So glad I’ve had the opportunity to get to know you. You’re awesome!


  2. suzicate

     /  July 22, 2014

    Happy to have run across you in Blogland!




  4. I’m glad you didn’t give up. It’s been great being able to get to know you via WordPress. Looking forward to the next 500!


    • I’m glad I didn’t give up, too. 🙂 I’ve seen a lot of bloggers come and go in the past five years, though. Something I can certainly understand, but you find yourself missing these people and wondering what they’re doing.


  5. That’s a positive accomplishment; congratulations, Laura! You know (because I’ve told you, but it bears repeating) I’ve been encouraged by you and your writing. You are an excellent role model. Thank you!


    • Lynn, you always have such sweet things to say. If you feel encouraged by my blog, I’m happy about that! Not sure I feel at all like a role model but I’ve learned over the years to simply say, “thank you” when someone gives you a compliment. Thank you!


  6. Wonderful news, Laura. I am sometimes a silent reader, but I do enjoy leaving comments and enjoy receiving them as well. We are writers after all and what we want is an audience 🙂

    Go for the next 500 with gusto !!!


    • Yes , I believe sometimes we all are silent readers. As for the comments, as one person said to me, blogging like facebook gives us instant gratification for what we’ve written. I tend to think she’s right. Most of us will never hear from the people who read our works. That’s just the way it is.


  7. Laura, I’m at 499, so I understand perfectly how you feel. We’re constantly told that numbers don’t matter, but you and I know differently. It’s a wonderful recognition of us pouring our hearts for hundreds of strangers to read. We’ve discovered some terrific friends over the years, who take the time to read and response to what we offer up. Yes, the numbers matter.


    • It’s really hard to keep away from the numbers. They’re just there. Didn’t know you were also close to 500, Joylene! Wow! Are we good or what? 😉 It’s amazing how we can become so attached to others online. I never would have thought it possible but it is!


  8. Storm

     /  July 23, 2014



  9. It IS a big deal, Laura, and congratulations on reaching this milestone! I began blogging in June of 2008 so am now just beginning my seventh year. I did some reflection and evaluation at this time last year ( http://wp.me/phaYw-2c6 ) but other than making a few scheduling changes, I knew I would continue, despite sometimes wondering if it was all worthwhile. I look at the numbers occasionally, but for me it’s been more about gaining writing experience and exposure, and making connections. I think of all the wonderful cyberfriends I would have missed meeting if it weren’t for blogging. I’m glad you’re one of the ones I’ve met. Here’s to the next 500!


    • Thanks, Carol!
      Oh, seven years for you. Wow! That’s quite something, in the blogging world especially. While the numbers are sometimes distracting, I do believe it’s about the friendships we forge, and the hope that perhaps we’ll write something that will one day resonate with even one other person. You were one of the first bloggers I met and I remember how supportive you were when my first book came out. My very first interview was on your blog. It meant the world to me to have your support. 🙂

      Glad you’ve stuck with me and so glad we met.


  10. Judi

     /  July 25, 2014

    Hi, Laura; I want to say “You go girl”. I have know you a long time and you never seize to amaze me. I gave your book “Flying with a Broken Wing” to my in-laws who are home from Ontario, and they were very impressed with you writing. They both read it in a day. DeWayne said he couldn’t put it down once he started it. They said “You mean she lives right here in Dalhousie. I said yes we have our very own “Celebrity” right here in Dalhousie.
    Who we are VERY proud of. xoxo


    • Well, I don’t feel like much of a celebrity (I’m just me!) but I do appreciate your sweet words. So glad your family enjoyed my book. Gee, we could have arranged for them to each have a signed copy. 😉 Thanks for commenting and letting me know you’re reading.


  11. Congratulations on your 500th post, Laura! Well done! I love your blog and have been a follower for some time now. Keep writing and sharing! We’re out here appreciating all your posts and your great writing!


  12. Congrats on your 500th post! I admit to too often being the silent reader, but I know how great it is to receive comments. I love your posts (usually I end up binge-reading them to catch up after missing updates) and I look forward to your next 500! 🙂


    • Glad to still be hanging in there. 🙂 We all are silent readers from time to time. Sometimes there just isn’t the time to comment. We just do what we can. I’m glad you check in from time to time, Libby.


  13. Congratulations Laura on 500 posts. That is quite an accomplishment and you are very consistent. I have made so many friends through your blog over the years. Keep it up!


  14. It does help knowing there are people out there who are interested in sharing their thoughts with us. It’s not always possible to come up with a comment, but I try because it’s the only way the blogger will know I’ve visited.


    • I have to agree it is nice to know that people are reading along. That being said, thank you for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I hope you’ll return.



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