Helloooo 2017

I always enter the New Year with a sense of excitement. It’s not so much that I’m anxious to see the end of the previous year, but it’s more the thoughts of what lies ahead in the months to come. I’m like a child in that sense. Who are we, if at times, we cannot see the world through the eyes of a child, but old and stale and far too grumpy for our own good.

I’ve often heard people express their thoughts on how horrible the old year has been and how they’re looking forward seeing it come to an end. While I can understand where they’re coming from, I’ve never had that feeling for some reason. It’s not that every year has been stellar because it hasn’t. Like everyone else I’ve seen my share of sorrow and sadness, but I’ve also seen plenty of joy and laughter. Hopefully, these things eventually balance out. There is so much for us to take delight in in our lives, but I sometimes think we dig too deep into the gory parts of life, ignore all those special moments we’ve experience through-out the year, simply because they aren’t grand enough or don’t sparkle brightly enough to warrant our attention when sometimes those tiny moments are what keeps us going.

With all that is going on in our world at the present moment, I’m sure some people are dreading what the year ahead will mean for us both personally and globally. Believe me, I’ve had those feelings myself. Much of what is to come is out of our hands. There’s nothing we can do to change world events. What we can do is to try and change our reaction to those events as best we can. We won’t always be able to stay positive. Sometimes we might become quite angry and depressed. But hopefully, that positive outlook will win out in the end as we remember to cherish those small magical moments that are peppered through our day.

Already this year seems special. This year Canada celebrates 150 years of confederation. And have I mentioned that 2017 marks East Dalhousie’s 200th Anniversary? Now that’s something that only happens every 200 years! Most of us won’t live to see it again. 😉 I’ve decided this year will be the year for adventure. I’ve a few things coming up that I’ll share as they unfold, but really, the true adventure will be all those things that are not yet in the planning stage. You know, the things that happen right out of the blue when you least expect it. Maybe some small things, maybe some big. Kind of like winning the lottery, only there doesn’t have to be any money involved. While lots of money is nice, welcomed even, it isn’t a requirement for living a happy life.

Last evening I sat down to write my list of intentions for the upcoming year and to look back on last year’s list. It’s just something I’ve been doing for awhile now. Of course not everything I intended to have happen happened, but I was pleased by what I saw. It’s just a different way to reflect upon life. I’ve never been one to make resolutions. There’s just something about it that seems too restricting, or maybe too forced. Whatever the case, I plan to focus on as many delightful moments through-out the year as possible. And I am hopeful they will outshine any of the not so wonderful moments that are bound to come along.

Wishing all my readers a happy 2017. May it be filled with many special moments along the way.

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  1. Happy New Year, Laura. May you continue to see goodness in life. There is more than enough happiness to help us get over the rest. If we were always perfectly pleased, we would be bored. Just sayin… Blessings to you in this year of 2017.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Carol Ann and Happy New Year to you! Yes, there is plenty of happiness out there, and I agree with you when you say that if everything went perfectly we’d be bored. That is very true!


  2. January 1 is always a good time for reflection. In reading my blog, I see I’d hoped to find a publishing home for two novel manuscripts in 2016 – well, that didn’t happen, but lots of unexpected other good (and some bad…) things did happen. It’s the great unknown that keeps us plugging away. Let me know if you want to get together before January 13th.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, reflection can be healing. And while not everything happens on the timeline we’d like, as you say, it keeps us plugging along. Hoping the weather will cooperate for a meeting. I’ll email later. Happy New Year!


  3. Happy New Year to you, too, Laura. I like the way you look at the good and bad around us. Best to be positive to scare away negativity around us. ‘Smile and the world smiles with you.’ sounds a good approach to me. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  4. suzicate

     /  January 1, 2017

    Wishing you a wonderful 2017!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Happy New Year, Laura! Wishing you an amazing 2017!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Judi

     /  January 1, 2017

    I love being around you and your positive and smiling face. You always have a way of turning my sad thinking around and turning it into good thoughts. I love you for that. We started out our “2017” on a very good foot. I had my daughter and my grand kids with us to bring in the New Year. Also, in-laws and two very special friends. We had wonderful food, played games and lots of laughter. What a way to bring in the New Year. I hope to see lots more of that through out 2017. And, of course, see a lot more of all my very special friends and family. And that includes you my very best friend xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have to admit we always have a great time! And who else to be silly with, right? So what if people give us strange looks! 😛

      It sounds as though 2017 started out fabulous for you. I’m so glad for that. And yes, I’m looking forward to spending more time with you in 2017. ❤


      • Judi

         /  January 2, 2017

        I’m thinking that we should get started with that “scrapbook”. You have had enough time to think about how you want it now, RIGHT. LOL. Maybe we can get together and have a day of it. You pick a day and I will mark it in my calendar….


  7. Happy New Year, Laura! Wishing you all the best in 2017.


  8. I love your positive outlook on things and wish you many pleasant surprises and adventures this coming year. Like you, I always am excited about the start of a new year. It is like opening a gift and you just don’t know what is inside it!!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. 2016 was full of a balance of emotions. But that’s okay. Everyday has the potential to give me goose bumps or knock my socks off. You’re so right, Laura. It’s up to me how I see each day. I’m leaning towards exciting rather than glum. Happy New Year, dear friend. Best to you and yours in 2017.


    • I hope you’re enjoying your time down south, Joylene. A wonderful place to ring in the new Year I would suspect! I hope 2017 has wonderful things in store for you. ❤


  10. Hi Laura, I completely agree. I have learned something from mindfulness training that I find at UCLA’s MARC website. Diana Winston (Director of MARC) suggests that sometimes we see joy in the smallest things and don’t really think about them.

    So I’m trying to be more mindful of the smallest blessings around me. Example: I was over at Mom and Dad’s the other day and I noticed how interesting Mom’s indoor plant looked. It’s a very common green plant, but there is a few stripes of white in the foliage. That’s a little bit of joy and wonderment. I’m like, “Wow, God is so creative!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Steph. God certainly is creative and also has a sense of humour that I find quite refreshing. I know people who never appreciate the small things and that’s too bad. They’re missing out on some very awesome moments! Thanks for dropping by!

      Liked by 1 person

  11. it’s true, most people dwell on the bad and sort of forgets the good but I hopefully will try to forget the bad and remember the good.

    happy new year!


    • It’s not always so easy to look for the good in a situation, and sometimes we only see it after we’ve come through a rough patch and take time to reflect. Happy New Year to you! I look forward to see what beautiful creations you create in 2017. You’re such a talent!


  12. Happy New Year, Laura! I’m a little late here, but … ta da! I made it! I’m looking forward to 2017 being a fantastic year of progress, especially in my writing. I’m taking on writing challenges again this year and have a friend (whom I met through a local writers group I learned about in April when I attended the children’s book fair YOU had informed me of!) who wants to meet with me once a week for focus on our writing. Our genres are not the same but I think that will be fun. I’m excited because I see how God connects things, one thing leads to another that leads to another, and so on, in order for prayers to be answered, all in the right time. AND I’m looking forward to reading your new book when it comes out soon. Again, Happy New Year, Laura! 🙂



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