The Twelfth of Never

Has something in your life ever triggered a song to rise to the surface? I woke up with the Twelfth of Never rattling around my head. The version from the seventies– Donny Osmond– that I was crazy about at the time.  And just a little bit in love with Donny for a few short months. Weren’t most of us who grew up in the era?

But why the Twelfth of Never?  April snow, that’s  why. Whenever we have April snow you can be sure I’m singing this song. You know, the line “Melt my heart like April snow ”  just won’t get out of my head.

april snow

It might have seemed like an April Fool’s joke, but no, Mother Nature decided to “Let there be snow,’ and this is what had me singing sappy love songs on the 25th of April. Just when we’d been tricked into thinking that spring had arrived. I snapped this photo of some Canada  geese that have been hanging around our property lately earlier in the week.


Spring is out there. I guess we need to be a bit more patient…Again.

Is there a certain song that comes to mind during different times in your life? What song is it? Are you old enough, or young enough, to remember the Twelfth of Never?

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