The Eagle Has Landed


As the eagle was killed by the arrow winged with his own feather, so the hand of the world is wounded by its own skill. ~~ Helen Keller

So sad and so true. Some quotes leave me a bit in awe. So much packed in so few words.

The eagle in the photo is often sitting on some old dead snags a few miles from home. Sometimes, we’ve even seen two. I find it interesting that, as a young girl, the sight of an eagle was a special occasion. In my memory, I remember only seeing one during my childhood, now I see them quite often. One occasionally flies over our property.  It’s wonderful to know that their numbers are increasing. In fact, a few months ago, we nearly hit one that was feasting on some road kill. We actually heard its wing feathers brush against the truck. It was one of those times you give a silent thank you as you look out the back window and see that it made it to the other side. Things can happen so quickly.

So what’s new on the publishing front?

I’ve a few stories accepted for publication in upcoming anthologies, one to be published in 2016, the other in 2017.  Then of course you all know about the upcoming publication of the sequel to Flying With a Broken Wing in Spring 2017. I expect the edits for this will soon get underway. I really enjoy the editing process. That’s where small miracles happen. I’m quite anxious to meet the editor I’ll be working with, and can hardly wait to see what the cover will look like. Don’t expect to see that for quite some time, though. And it could possibly be the end of the year. In fact, you’ll likely have it long forgotten before I’m ready to have a cover reveal.

Other than that I have a few stories I’m working at and, hopefully, will be submitting somewhere in the not to far future.  That’s if all goes well and no distractions come along. We all know how life has a way of throwing a pickle or two into the mix. As my friend, Gail, would likely agree, it keeps life interesting!

Personally, I prefer baby dill. How about you?  😉


Soaring Into Freedom

The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. ~~Jim Morrison

Summer 2014 394This quote seems rather fitting for a post on freedom as I sifted through some of the photos I took last week at the zoo. The subject of freedom has been circling my head since our resent visit. And yes, all the animals there are caged in and certainly not free. But the image of these two bald eagles stayed with me more than the others. I’m sure they were injured and rescued at one point, obviously unable to fly since there were no restrictions stopping them from taking flight.

Growing up, I was taught about nature’s wisdom, survival of the fittest, and all that realistic stuff that make kids cry into their pillow at night. While at times it might have seemed cruel I now wonder about the efforts we make to rescue animals if a part of that rescue keeps them from doing what they were meant to do.

I imagine an eagle soaring through the sky and think that flying above the treetops must be a remarkable thing, to know that sense of freedom. An eagle that can’t fly seems like an injustice and by rescuing it in this way perhaps we simply traded its “reality for a role,” an animal now held in captivity, a reality that suits our own agenda.

Many of us think that life, no matter how diminished, is far more important than the quality of that same life. It is a subject that I find fascinating as I try to imagine how it would feel to be that earthbound eagle, to have once known that freedom, yet never to feel it again.

What are your thoughts on freedom? Are you an earthbound eagle or do you prefer to soar?

Soar With The Eagles

Never give in to pessimism. Don’t know that you can’t fly, and you will soar like an eagle. Don’t end up regretting what you did not do because you were too lazy or too frightened to soar. Be a bumblebee! And soar to the heavens. You can do it.~~ Earl  Brakken, Commencement address  at University of  Hawaii  2004

I caught  a quick image  of  an eagle  in flight a few weeks back. Whenever I see an eagle it reminds me that we  all have the  ability to soar.  Sometimes  all  it  takes is  for us to spread our wings and try.

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