Read it; Gift it?

Would you give someone a pair of socks you wore one time for Christmas? How about a cup and saucer you drank tea out of on several occasions? And that wall hanging your great-aunt wrapped up for you last Christmas that you just don’t love?

How about a book you’ve already read, one that you kept in perfect shape?

A friend once asked if it was all right to give someone a book as a gift if you’ve read it first. I remember making a joke, saying something to the effect that she should make sure it wasn’t personalized with her name on it. That would probably make it a dead giveaway.

Seriously though I love giving books to people as gifts, and I know a lot of other people do as well. Some of the books I’ve purchased over the years as gifts are books I’d also like to read myself. Of course I only buy it if I think the person receiving it would enjoy it. I don’t just buy books for others knowing I’d be able to read it afterward. That might be considered clever to some, but would hardy seem a thoughtful gift if I had some ulterior motive. Put that way it almost sounds devious. LOL!

I personally haven’t read any of the books I’ve intended as gifts before giving them, but I don’t really see anything wrong with it if somebody wanted to read a book before gifting it. Many people admit to regifting all the time, and maybe this is a bit like that.

I have a few books I’ve recently bought that I’m considering giving away—one I’m reading at the moment, so this is why I’m thinking about my friend’s question. Will I actually give this book away as a gift? I haven’t quite decided. Perhaps if I do, it won’t be a gift for a special occasion. Perhaps I’ll make it a “just because” gift with no strings attached.

So I’m wondering, how you all feel about giving a book you’ve already read to someone as a gift? Would if feel a bit like cheating if you gave it to them as a Christmas or birthday gift or do you do it all the time?

Hey, I’m not here to judge you, I’m just curious as to how the rest of you feel about this.

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