Celebrating Sagors

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. ~~~Buddha 

I don’t pretend to have life figured out. Like everyone else, I make my share of mistakes. Sometimes it feels more like I’m stumbling about instead of walking a straight and steady path. As soon as  I think I’m on the right path, I end up distracted, detouring to the point where I finally have to say “enough is enough—-sure things got interesting there for a time, but it’s back to serious business.” That’s when I get back on my original path. The truth is I don’t think life was meant to go in a straight line. The detours that happen along the way is what helps us learn and certainly makes for some interesting travels.

What I do think is that life is not just a series of random events, and random people showing up. I think it is finely orchestrated and calculated, that people and events happen into our lives for a purpose.

It also seems to me that life is not about acquiring material things, although who can deny that material things are nice but, to me, it seems that life is more about acquiring relations, interacting with one another, sharing our gifts and talents, lending a helping hand.. Wouldn’t life be wonderful if, instead of valuing material things, we valued the laughter we’ve given, the smiles we’ve brought on, the joy, the kind words we have offered to others, and love we’ve given and received, even more? For me, the most that life has ever had to offer me was not something that could be held or owned, but rather the things I have felt in my heart. I know that sounds overly sentimental, but that’s what happens to us when we age.

Saturday a large number of people turned out to thank Ron and Sue for the many years they operated Sagors’ bookstore in Bridgewater. I blogged about the closing of their store in January  in a post titled Bye, Bye Sagors‘ and was so sad to see it go.

But Saturday turned out to be anything but a sad day. For sure there were a few tears shed, but that’s to be expected. With change comes the thought of what all will be missed instead of the important thing—what has already been gained. Those of us who frequented Sagor’s over the years know how much richer our lives were because of this little bookstore on King Street.

I met some wonderful new people. A lady, Elaine (Lanie)Porter, who made these wonderful origami ornaments for decorations. I fell in love with the cranes and she so kindly gave me one. Another lady, Carol, and I had a wonderful conversation before the crowd arrived. She’s a letter writer she told me—-letter writing, another wonderful art. Everyone I spoke to at the gathering was warm and welcoming. We also spoke with author, Laurie Lacey. Laurie’s book Micmac Medicines is due to be released again in April.

We sang some songs in honour of Sue and Ron, email exchanges were read, sent by the first owners and others who could not be present. Even the Nova Scotia government sent along a certificate.

Author friend, Syr Ruus read a poem she wrote for the occasion. Here she is taking the mike. Not sure how she managed to write a poem for Ron and Sue and promote my book all at the same time, but I’m thinking of hiring her to do the publicity for my next book.  😉 What a gal!

There were refreshments, decorations, a band and even a little photo taking. Afterward there was time for chat. Since Ron and Sue sold books for the launching of both Lovesongs of Emmanuel Taggart and Bitter, Sweet, I thought this was my chance to get a photo with all of us. Should have squeezed us all in at the same time but, ah well, you get the picture. Here’s Syr, Sue and I. In the tree behind us, if you look closely, you can see Lanie’s handiwork.

I warned Ron that he’d likely make an appearance on my blog. Good thing he and Sue are good sports. For me, Saturday only went to prove that life is all about the laughter we give to others, the friendships we make, the smiles and kind words we offer one another. I am so happy to have been a part of this wonderful day for two very special people. I’m not going to spend time dwelling on the past because I’d much rather concentrate on the present moment.  🙂

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  1. Torry

     /  March 4, 2012

    I still find myself going for the
    phone to order a book from them!


    • It will take awhile to get used to, but we always adapt, Torry. In the meantime, it was nice to see Sue and Ron again and help to celebrate in a fun way..


  2. suzicate

     /  March 4, 2012

    “Wouldn’t life be wonderful if, instead of valuing material things, we valued the laughter we’ve given, the smiles we’ve brought on, the joy, the kind words we have offered to others, and love we’ve given and received, even more?” -wouldn’t that be an amazingly wonderful world?!


  3. pattisj

     /  March 5, 2012

    Wishing all the best for your friends. Thanks for sharing a bitter, sweet day with us.


  4. The B quote? I dismiss it. We are not one dimensional.


    • What can I say, Carl? Buddha certainly isn’t for all of us… I think it is good that we don’t all agree or share the same opinions and have the courage to say so. Thank you. 🙂


  5. Beautiful post, Laura.


  6. Your philosophy is worth repeating, Laura. It was something I remember my mother saying to us when we were young. Beautiful thoughts, Laura.


  7. Laura, this was a wonderful post about love, friendship and what makes life beautiful 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing your day, bitter, sweet and lovely.


  8. A great post, Laura. It is human and wonderful to strive to find joy in the face of sorrow. Nicely done.


  9. I’m not sure where I would have seen them before, but Ron and Sue look familiar to me.

    I’m not sure about that quote either .. don’t dream? nope! can’t do it. I’m a dreamer. 🙂

    I’m glad you have such a wonderful support group, Laura. Continued Blessings.


    • Interesting, I didn’t interpret the quote that way at all. I guess we all see things differently.

      Dreaming is wonderful. It’s what helps a writer write. 🙂



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