Who’s Going To Blurb My Book?

I haven’t mentioned yet that Atwood is going to blurb my next book. Squee!!!! That’s right, my publisher has asked and she’s agreed. Nothing elaborate, mind you, just short and sweet and to the point.

This is Best’s best work by far……Agnes Atwood

Admit it, you thought I meant Margaret Atwood, didn’t you? Trust me, if dreams had wings I would fly to the moon just to have Margaret Atwood blurb my next book. Unfortunately, for this author, it ain’t happening.

Okay, just to clear things up there is no Agnes Atwood (at least that I know of) and she sure as heck isn’t writing a blurb for my next book either…..Best’s best work… sheesh! Amateur time.

Don’t think of the things you read here as lies, think of them as fiction reflecting my dreams. One thing I’d like for all of you to understand is this, when you come here to visit you’re free to dream. And none of these measly little dreams. If you’re going to dream you might just as well dream big. It’s the only way to go!!

So I’ve been dreaming of blurbs.

Why a blurb? Well, why the heck not?

I’ve even exchanged a few emails back and forth with author pal, Syr Ruus, in which I accused her of using the word blurb more times in a blurb than was humanly possibly. It was all for fun, and I do like fun.

Truth is, I kind of thought the word “blurb” was newish but, after looking it up, I discovered it was first used in 1907.  While new fangled phrases, and fashions, often take time to trickle down to rural communities, the word blurb must be moving at a snail’s pace. Where the heck have I been for the past 104 years? Tell me you’re surprised to learn that the word is that old ‘cause I don’t want to be the only one who’s outdated.

I have given some time over to dreaming about book blurbs and the fact that I didn’t have one on my first book. Not just that, I’ve been dreaming of who I’d like to write one for my upcoming book.

Although it must be considered effective, I can say in all honestly that I’ve never purchased a book because of it. In fact, I seldom read them or pay any attention at all. I’m more interested in reading a short synopsis of the story. The cover and title influence me as well. But hey, this from someone who’s a 104 years slower than the rest of the world. I’m sure plenty of people read them and take what the author has to say into consideration. I’d truly love to have a certain someone write a teeny blurb for my book. , and while I do love Margaret Atwood, she’s not the person I have in mind. Since I believe that dreams do come true I shall wait to see where this dream will take me.

Are you influenced by author endorsements on books? Have you ever blurbed or been blurbed?

Time for you to dream…

If you could have anyone, dead or alive, blurb your book who would it be? Here’s your chance to write the blurb for your novel. Dream big–What have you got to lose? Show us what you come up with.

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  1. I can’t say that another author’s blurb ever influenced me to read a book. I’m like you and usually read the synopsis, and look at the cover. Then I read a bit of Chapter 1 to see if I connect with the book and the characters. I imagine there are people who are influenced by those “blurbs”. Wow, never knew that word was 104 years old either, Laura. Thanks for enlightening me. Can’t wait to blurb about the word blurb! Did you know…..? Watch out, here I come!


    • LOL! Blurbing about the word blurb is blurbotastic, Cathy..Obviously there are people out there who are influenced by this. I guess as with everything, what works for one doesn’t work for all. Thanks for leaving a blurb on my blog! lol


  2. Funny that you should talk about cover blurbs today, Laura. Over the weekend, I received a request to do just that. I can’t say who it’s from yet–I don’t know if I’m allowed–but I’ll blog about it when the book comes out. This is the first time I’ve been asked to blurb for a book. And I’ve never had a blurb on my book, but I’m thinking I might put one on the next book.

    Have I been influenced by a blurb? Only once and I regretted it. It was a great blurb by a well-known, well-read fantasy author, praising the excellent writing within. I had been cruising the shelfs at Chapters looking for a new writer with a new story for me to read–I occassionally do this, hoping to find my next favourite author–and the first thing that drew me in was the cover. I loved it. Then I read the quote from the famous fantasy writer, one I admired and had read many times. The story line sounded good, so I took a chance. After the first chapter, I wondered if the blurber had even read one line of the novel. By the end of the third chapter, I knew she couldn’t have ‘loved it!’. The writing was less than great, the story line unbelievable and confusing. I promised I’d never be influenced by a blurb again.

    Who would I choose to write a blurb for my novel? Terry Brooks.

    What would I like to see as a blurb on my book? Something like this (dreaming big), “Diane spins a tale of romance, adventure and mystery, creating characters to cozy-up with by the fire. By the time the last word is read, you’ll once again believe in heroes.”

    BTW, Laura, you should ask Donna Morrisey to blurb your next book. She’s well-known and admired. What do you have to lose? The worst that could happen is she’ll say, no. And we all know how that feels by the rejects we’ve received over the years; it hurts for only a minute. I didn’t know how to ask for a blurb, but now that I’ve been asked, the only thing you need to do is: ask politely.


    • Wow! Diane, that’s one heck of a fine blurb by Terry Brooks. 😉 And one heck of a dream. Truthfully, I don’t recall ever seeing any author endorsements on Nimbus books. But having Donna Morrissey would certainly be sweet. 🙂


  3. For my cartoon book(if ever) Dave Barry, Garrison Keillor and the deceased Schultz of Peanuts.


  4. I’d like John Irving to “blurb” me – is it a verb, too? Simply because he’s the best story-crafter, character-builder, scene-setter (IMO)! Have his new book sitting on my bedside table, waiting for summer:)


    • LOL! I guess “Blurb” can be a verb if we want it to be…Gotta love the English language..

      John Irving–Hey, you’re not messing around. Love all these big dreams. 🙂


  5. suzicate

     /  May 30, 2012

    Yes, I admit it! When I saw this on FB I couldn’t wait to get over here to read it. Didn’t you meet Margaret Atwood at a book signing or conference? I vaguely remember someone blogging about her once. I’ve always wondered how new authors get well known writers to write blurbs for their books.


    • Yes, I blogged about meeting Ms. Atwood last summer, and it was lovely and exciting and far more memorable for me that it would have been for her. 🙂 Ah well..

      I’m not sure how it works either, Susan. I do think in some cases the publishing company asks one of their authors or else they ask the author if there’s someone they know who could offer one. Of course, as I said, my experience is limited. I didn’t have a blurb the first time and not sure I will this time either.


  6. pattisj

     /  May 30, 2012

    Blurb is a nice word. 🙂


  7. When my editor told me Gail Bowan was doing the blurb for Broken but not Dead, I thought ‘Isn’t that nice.’ Then I looked her up. Sheesh! I felt like a bloody idiot. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who didn’t realize Gail writes the Joanne Killborne series because even today I’ll mention to someone that Gail Bowan wrote my blurb, and they’ll smile and say, “Isn’t that nice.” LOL.


    • Very cool, Joylene!!! But I’d probably be one of those smiling and saying, “Isn’t that nice.” It reminds me of how limited we can be as writers to other genres and big name within those genres.


  8. I would be honoured if the writer, Laura Best, would write a blurb for my book.
    I do read the blurbs. I wouldn’t say that helps me decide on purchasing or not but I like what other writers have to say.


    • Darlene Foster, you are a sweet person. Writing a blurb for YOU would be an honour. 🙂

      I’m sure blurbs do influence readers if publishers print them, but I had to go look at some of my books after writing this post because I couldn’t remember which ones I owned that even had blurbs.


  9. I’m rarely influence by blurs but I read them sometimes just to see what the book means to other readers. but isn’t most blurs writtern by critics anyway?

    I would like Alice Hoffman or Amy Tan to write a blur for my book. Or really, just any established writer that has at least written more than a couple of books. But then again, I think it only matters if you care.


    • I think it depends, Lissa. I’ve seen some blurbs by magazines etc, but I have some books that have author endorsements on them usually by well known authors who write in the same genre.

      As I mentioned I didn’t have any for my first book and I really didn’t think about it. My publisher doesn’t seem to use them for their children’s books anyway, at least none of the ones I’ve seen.


  10. Who would have thought ‘blurb’ was that old??? I wonder if it started as one of those goofy, made-up-because-it’s-fun-to-say words, like fantabulous.

    I almost always read back cover copy, but unless an endorsement blurb is by an author I recognize and respect, I don’t often read it. I suspect very successful authors like to ‘give back’ by helping launch other’s books with a blurb or review, but if, as Diane mentions, their recommendation isn’t based on an honest read, it wouldn’t really help. It could even end up marring their own reputation.

    As for who I’d love to have an endorsement from, I haven’t dreamed that big yet… am almost afraid to. I don’t believe in jinxes, but…. 😉


  11. I’m pretty sure when the word “blurb” was used for the first time it made people snicker, at least that’s what my imagination is telling me. 🙂

    Oh Carol, I dare you to dream THAT big. If we don’t put our desires and wishes out there how will HE ever know what we want.. 😉


  12. Joyce Bates

     /  June 24, 2012

    Ironic. I just finished The Handmaid’s Tale. It is still good after all these years.



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